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Published November 2003

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 »Types of USB Switch Connectors
 »In Your Own Words
 »Closing The Gap
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»Optimist II & Speaking Dynamically Pro
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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1008
Portland, OR

(503) 684 - 6006
(800) 234 - 6006

(503) 684 - 6011

[email protected]





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adVOCAte, someone who speaks on behalf of another
Just in Time for the Holidays - The perfect stocking stuffer, the adVOCAte. This portable digital recording aid is small enough for children to handle, and rugged enough to endure the use it will encounter. Medicare assignments accepted.

Price: (US) $1,195.00

Persona Demo - Many have welcomed ZYGO's Polyana with Persona. However, Persona, the text-based communication program, runs only on Window CE devices. To demonstrate the ease of use and functionality of Persona, we have a demo CD available that will run on any PC with Windows 98 or above.

Special Optimist - Optimist II pre-installed with Speaking Dynamically Pro and a Cherry keyboard for $2995.00.
Other accessories may be purchased at your local computer supply stores.

Speaking Dynamically Pro (by King Software Development) is a dynamic screen communication software that allows you to use Optimist II as a powerful speech-output device. Speaking Dynamically Pro can also be used to create interactive educational activities. It offers features such as: Text to speech, Recorded (digitized) speech, Pop-up boards, Board-change indicators, Ability to link boards, Ability to print messages, Word prediction with customizable dictionaries and many more.

Custom Mountings Available - We offer custom mountings for your ZYGO devices. An incorrect or inappropriate mounting system discourages the user from learning and using his/her augmentative or assistive communication device. For the most appropriate mounting system consult with our customer support at (800) 234-6006.

Season's greetings from all of us at ZYGO

New Products
Hinged Mount for LightWRITER

LightWRITER mounted on the Hinged MountThe Hinged mount for LightWRITER is intended for use on a flat surface like a wheelchair tray or table/desk. It allows positioning the LightWRITER with the keyboard almost vertical, to an angle of about 30 degrees from the horizontal. It can be used as a permanent mount, or as a positioning tool to find the proper placement of the LightWRITER for most efficient access by the user.

The angle is adjusted by moving the Adjustment Cylinder along the Velcro® tracks.
The mount comes with:

  • Hinged Base
  • Adjustment Cylinder
  • Assorted Adhesive-backed Velcro Strips

Universal Version of Switch Radio Link
Make wireless connection to your communication devices

The Universal version of the Switch Radio Link uses an internal rechargeable battery. It is ideal for communication aids, environmental controls, toys, etc. Connections to the devices are made by 2 cables with 3.5 mm plugs. For computer applications, use the USB or Serial versions.

Procedures for Repairs and Services

ZYGO makes every attempt to prevent the user from being without his device by first trouble shooting over the phone. For this to be most effective, the caller should have the device in hand when he calls Customer Support. If it is determined that the device must be returned to ZYGO for servicing follow the procedure below.

Warranty Repairs:

Customer Service will issue a Return Authorization (RA) number. Print the RA number on the outside of the shipping box and return it to our shipping address. Before sealing the box, make sure you have included the charger, a brief description of the problems you are experiencing with the device, and your name, address and phone number.Your device will be repaired and returned to you immediately upon completion of the repairs. The limited warranty is automatically extended for one additional year from the date of repair.

Non-warranty Repairs:

Non-warranty repairs must be prepaid. Prepayment can be in the form of a Purchase Order for those customers with commercial accounts, or a credit card (VISA, MC, DISC). After you provide your payment information, ZYGO Customer Service will issue a Return Authorization number. Print the RA number on the outside of the shipping box and return it to our shipping address. Before sealing the box make sure the charger, a brief description of the problems you are experiencing with the device , and your name, address and phone number are included. Your device will be repaired and returned to you immediately upon completion of the repairs. The limited warranty is automatically extended for one additional year from the date of repair.

Insurance Billing for Non-warranty Repairs:

A prescription and Letter of Medical Necessity is required by most healthplans to process a claim for repairs to medical equipment. The repairs still require prepayment by the individual, but ZYGO will file the claim on the client’s behalf. When required by the healthplan, ZYGO will request prior authorization. The prior authorization procedure may delay timely return of the device.

Packaging and Shipping Methods, the step that's often overlooked:

  • Make certain that the unit is turned off and accessories are included.
  • Your original box is the best way to ship your unit in, otherwise choose a sturdy box that can withstand the rough handling that it may be subject to.
  • Cushion properly - Please take the time to carefully package your device and accessories with enough cushioning provided to keep the items in place during shipment. Leaving the charger or other accessories loose inside the box will damage your unit.
  • The customer is responsible for the safekeeping of the product(s) until it reaches ZYGO's dock. Therefore, for your protection and ours, we require return shipment via a shipping service that provides insurance and traceability, such as FedEx or UPS.

Types of Switch Connectors for use with computers

There are a number of switch connectors available from different manufacturers, and not all work in the same way. This section should help you to identify the switch connector you need.

Does it matter how it works?
When you plug a USB device into Windows®, the USB device tells Windows what it is - keyboard, digital camera, joystick or whatever. Windows can then find the driver and install the device.

A switch is not a recognized Windows USB device, and registering a new device is expensive, time consuming and a hassle for the users (who need to install extra drivers). Instead, the USB switch connectors that are available act as either a keyboard or a joystick.

This is important because you must be sure that the software you are using supports the device the switch connector is emulating (keyboard or joystick). If it does not, check to see if the switch connector comes with software to make it compatible.

 Keyboard Switches

 Joystick Switches
Pros: Supported by a wide range of software.   Pros: Can be used to play games that are not designed for disability.
Supported by major switch software (Clicker by Crick, The Grid and WordWall by Sensory Software and Writing With Symbols by Widgit).
Cons: May type into any Windows program, which might cause problems.   Cons: Not all disability software supports joystick input (but supplied software will help).

What devices are available?
This is not an exhaustive list, just a comparison of a few of the more popular connectors.




Switch Functions

No. of





Sensory** Serial Connector




Sensory** JoyCable





Sensory** JoyBox





Crick Switch Box





Don Johnston Switch Interface Pro


None None

Don Johnston Switch Interface Pro5


None None

Tash Switch Click



Tash Mouse Mover



Inclusive SwITchBox


None None


* These can only be used as mouse buttons, not to move the mouse.
** ZYGO Industries, Inc. is the North American distributor for Sensory Software products.

In Your Own Words

Here's a part of an email received from Dr. Sophia Kalman (Hungary):

"I also enclose a quotation in Hungarian, which arrived today. It was sent by a lady with a progressive disease using LightWRITER for a year. She is working with its help as an editor both at a journal and at a radio station. She wrote:

A Lightwriter annyira természetes része az életemnek, hogy nem is tudok róla mást írni, mint azt hogy belegondolni sem szertenék, mi mindenro>l kellene lemondanom, ha nem lenne. Köszönöm szépen!

Translation: The Lightwriter is such a natural part of my life that I cannot write anything else about it, only that I wouldn't like even to think of the many things I would be forced to give up if I couldn't have it. Thanks for it very much."

Fantastic Special Offers - Limited Quantities Available:
 SL87 LightWRITER SL87 — We're offering a limited quantity of our field demo SL87 units with one year warranty for only $4,595.00 (US). The regular list price is $6,135.00 (US). That's over 25% in savings!
Medicare Assignment Accepted.
   Parakeet 5  Parakeet 5 with Carry Case and Wordwise Sticker Pack for $175.00
Simple and easy to use — (Regular Price: $425.00)

Holiday Special: All 4 MACAW Overlay books are available for $49.95 US dollars including shipping and handling. That's over 50% off the listed price. They make great stocking stuffers.

Closing The Gap

ZYGO's booth at Closing the Gap 2003

ZYGO recently had the pleasure of participating as an exhibitor at Closing the Gap for the 21st year in a row. Closing The Gap provides an opportunity for all people interested in assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication to view thousands of products, and to attend numerous workshops all in one convenient setting. This is a great venue for students and entry level professionals to become acquainted with the technology as well as for those with more experience to see new products. ZYGO featured the new Polyana 3 with Persona and the adVOCAte, both of which were well received. As always, there was strong interest in the LightWRITERs, now with Morse Code access, and Sensory Software products.


Upcoming Events

The following tours are the best way to learn about new products and emerging technologies. Applications for use of products, as well as strategies and techniques, are presented by factory personnel in a series of 1-day workshops. For updates, please visit CAMA or our calendar page regularly.

 ATIA - Assistive Technology Industry Association

January 14-17, 2004
Disney's Coronado Spring Resort
1000 West Buena Vista Dr.
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Tel: (407) 939-1020

Date: Location:
February 2, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Embassy Suites Hotel
100 Capitol Mall
February 3, 2004
Pleasant Hill-Walnut Creek, CA
Embassy Suites Hotel
1345 Treat Blvd.
February 4, 2004
Fresno, CA
Radisson Hotel & Conference Center
2233 Ventura Street
February 5, 2004
Pasadena, CA
Sheraton Pasadena Hotel
303 E Cordova St.
February 6, 2004
San Diego, CA
Radisson Hotel Harbor View
1646 Front Street