JoyBox and JoyCable

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Joybox Switch Input AdapterThe JoyBox is the most flexible switch input adaptor on the market today. It is a USB switch box that works with most popular switch software. It is a simple plug and play device that needs no software installing.

The JoyCable is a simpler, more compact version that only has two inputs, ideal if you only use two switches.

How do they work?
When you plug a JoyBox or JoyCable into the USB port, it is recognized by Microsoft Windows as a Game Controller, or Joystick. Switches connected to any of the eight numbered connectors activate the fire buttons. Switches connected to the four direction connectors will 'move' the joystick.

Direct Switch Input
Programs such as Writing with Symbols, Clicker 4 and (of course)
The Grid from Sensory Software, support the JoyBox directly as a joystick device. Simply plug in the JoyBox or JoyCable and select "Joystick" as the switch connection from within the software.

Keyboard and Mouse Buttons as Switches
Many switch programs are designed to work with switches connected through the keyboard or mouse. With the included Switch Driver, these programs will all work with the JoyBox and JoyCable.

Play Arcade Games with Switches
The JoyBox can control games such as flight simulators and driving games that use a joystick or game controller as an input. The suitability of the game will depend on how many switches the user can manage, and how many controls are needed to play the game effectively. Programs like Midtown Madness and Motocross Madness can be played with just two switches (for example, a pair of head switches).

A Switch Operated Mouse
You can also control the mouse with switches using the JoyBox. This is done using the included Joystick to Mouse software.

If you do not have enough switches to operate the mouse buttons as well, then try the Dwell Clicker program that allows clicks and drags to be performed by simply holding the pointer still.