Medicare Assignment Accepted Products

Please note: Medicare Assignment Accepted means that the client can receive the device listed below without having to pay first. Some clients may have to prepay the 20% deductible. For more information, please call the funding department at (800) 234-6006.

Medicare will pay for many other products that ZYGO provides, however the client may be required to pre-pay and be reimbursed by Medicare.

 Green Arrow Optimist III
Optimist 3 complete with AAC software.
 Green Arrow Talara
The Talara is an electronic communication device with levels, direct and switch/scanning access and flexible size key patterns as is a simple portable computer designed for recording human voice for playback when keys are selected.
 Green Arrow Dialect
A dedicated dynamic display, hand-held, tablet-size, speech output communication aid. It's designed to run a variety of augmentative and alternative communication programs.
 Green Arrow Polyana 3 with Persona
A dedicated speech generating device that is small and lightweight. This communication aid with long battery life is great for writing and talking all you want.
 Green Arrow MACAW 3 +4
Digitzed speech with 78 minutes of high-quality recording time. It's serial port permits saving entire personalities to computers for even more flexibility with recordings for different applications.
 Green Arrow

Parakeet 5Parakeet 5

A small light weight communication system

 Green Arrow adVOCAte (someone that speaks on behalf of another)
Fully-featured digital recording communication aid that is truly portable and small enough for children, and rugged enough to endure the use it will encounter.