Polyana 3with Persona

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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
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Medical Assistance Version

Persona programThis version of Polyana with Persona is a dedicated speech generating device, meeting the requirements of various medical assistance aganecies. This augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) aid is small and lightweight, features instant-on—the unit is always in standby, has long battery life on each charge, and is relatively inexpensive.

The Polyana's light weight makes carrying easy by its folding carry-handle/stability stand and its small size makes it convenient to slip into a pocket or purse. The audio amplifier/speaker base-pack provides exceptionally loud, clear output. A sliding volume control in front is used to set the sound output level.Polyana's closed look

Persona is a text-based communication program purposely designed for literate users who need to talk. Access to the program is by the keyboard, the touch screen and by switches through the on-screen keyboard. Messages are clearly spoken by DECtalk speech synthesis.

Formulate messages letter-by-letter, by selecting words through word completion and word prediction, and phrases via abbreviation/expansion and a phrase list.

 Keyboard  Power
Polyana's side view

78-key keyboard, 17.5 mm(069") center-to-center

  Lithium-ion battery pack
100-240V, 50/60 Hz AC adapter
Battery life up to 8 hours
Recharges in 4.5 hours
 Display    Display
8.1" diagonal 640 x 240, 64K color LCD with backlight and touch screen
Built-in touch screen
Scroll (Jog) dial
  8.1" diagonal 640 x 240, 64K color LCD with backlight and touch screen
Built-in touch screen
Scroll (Jog) dial
 Interfaces    AAC Options & Accessories
Direct Cable connection for Switch input
microphone/earphone jack for external listening and Direct Telephone Connection
Large display output port
  Wheelchair mounting systems
Keyboard raincoat
Carry Case with neckstrap
Lolly switch and adapter for scanning
 Audio    Dimensions
Audio amplifier/speaker base-pack with volume control   Size: 9.64 x 5.2 x 2.75 inches
(245 x 132 x 69.9 mm)
Weight: 2.3 pounds (1.1 Kg) - With battery pack