Polyana 3with Persona

For writing and talking — a lot!

Persona programWindows CE* devices are marvelous platforms on which to build augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) aids. They are small and lightweight, are instant-on — the unit is always in standby, have long battery life on each charge and are relatively inexpensive.

Polyana is such a PC companion that has been modified to meet the needs of an AAC unit. Its light weight makes carrying easy by its folding carry-handle/stability stand and its small size makes it convenient to slip into a pocket or purse. The audio amplifier/speaker base-pack provides exceptionally loud, clear output. A sliding volume control in front is used to set the sound output level.Polyana's closed look

Persona is a text-based communication program specifically for literate users who need to talk, yet have other computer requirements — like writing and printing long documents. Access to the program is by the keyboard, the touch screen and by switches through the on-screen keyboard.

Output is enhanced with word completion, word prediction, abbreviation/expression, phrase retrieval and DECtalk speech synthesis.

A host of programs for daily use are included as well as a modem for e-mail and internet access. Use the infrared link or direct serial connection to print to full-size PC printers.

 Specifications  Power
Half-screen, dynamic displayPolyana's side view
R4121, 168 MHz processor -
optimized for Windows CE
24 MB ROM — 32 MB RAM
16 MB Internal Flash ROM
78-key keyboard,
17.5 mm (0.69") center-to-center
Slot for 1-Type I or Type II PC card
Slot for 1-Type I or Type II Compact Flash
Built-in 56 Kbps modem
  Lithium-ion battery pack
100-240V, 50/60 Hz AC adapter
Battery life up to 8 hours
Recharges in 4.5 hours
  8.1" diagonal 640 x 240, 64K color LCD with backlight and touch screen
Built-in touch screen
Scroll (Jog) dial
 Interfaces    AAC Options & Accessories
Serial port (Direct Cable connection)
microphone/earphone jack
IrDA (Infrared) port
VGA port (output)
Modem port
  Wheelchair mounting systems
Keyboard raincoat
Carry Case with neckstrap
Lolly switch and adapter for scanning
 Audio    Dimensions
Audio amplifier/speaker base-pack with volume control   Size: 9.64 x 5.2 x 2.75 inches
(245 x 132 x 69.9 mm)
Weight: 2.3 pounds (1.1 Kg) - With battery pack


* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.