Product Categories

Our products are listed in two major categories: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) aids which provide voice output, and other Assistive Technologies (AT) which help provide independence to individuals with physical limitations.

Communication Systems — AAC

Text-to-Speech Devices

Voice output systems for users who spell what they want to say. Messages typed out by the user are read out loud. Many rate enhancements speed up conversations.

Digital Recording

Record messages using human voice and play them back to speak. Symbols, pictures, letters, words, or objects on a static overlay represent the stored messages.

Dynamic Display

Portable tablet style computers running voice output communication software. The "dynamic" feature refers to the changing of pages on electronic displays.

Communication and Literacy Development Software

PC software programs which are used for voice output, literacy development, and environmental control. Software can also be used on dynamic display devices or PC's.

Assistive Technology

Aids to Daily Living

Products that support independent living for persons with physical limitations. Includes the GEWA page turner and the GewaTel 200 infrared receiving speaker telephone.

Alternative and Computer Access

Non-standard computer keyboards, head and laser pointers, alternate computer mouse, and switch input adapters.

Environmental Control Systems

A partial list of our line of GEWA infrared transmitters and receivers which provide independence and make everyday life easier for people with physical limitations.

Tools of the Trade — Switches and Mounting Systems

An assortment of switches for alternative access and information helpful to selection of mounting systems and mechanisms to accommodate user accessibility.

Useful product links


PDF versions of our literature

Here are Adobe PDF versions of our catalogs for you to read, print, or save:

1. ZYGO Featured Products brochure
2. U.S.A. Short Form Catalog    US$ prices
3. Canada Short Form Catalog   Can$ prices

      or submit a literature request

Ordering ZYGO products:

Contact ZYGO and our authorized dealers to place orders.

Medicare Assignment Accepted Products

A fee schedule by HCPCS code and the ZYGO devices under each code.

Marketplace - Recycled Products

A marketplace for used devices.