Digital Recording Communication Systems

Digital recording refers to storing messages created by human voice which are played back by the device user to "speak" a given message. These messages sound the same way each time they are played because they are recorded directly onto an electronic storage medium, like a compact flash card. Only messages that have been recorded are available on the device. These are repetitive phrases which can be used as often as needed.

These digital recording devices use static overlays to represent the vocabulary stored on the device. Use symbols, pictures, letters, words, or objects on the overlay to remind the user of the stored message. Change the overlay and set the current vocabulary for that page and speak from recorded messages.

If you want to spell out messages or create novel expressions that have not been recorded, you would need a system capable of text-to-speech, or synthesized speech, found on our Text-to-Speech devices and our Dynamic Display systems.


The Talara is a simple yet flexible digital recording communication aid. It is fast to set up and easy to use. It has 45 minutes of recording time on four levels (pages). There are no dead spaces when using enlarged key patterns from two to 32 cells per page. Access through direct selection or basic scanning techniques. The Talara uses four AA batteries, which can be rechargeable or field replaceable. Overlays held on with magnetic, hinged key surround.


The latest in a long line of MACAWs, this is the ultimate in digital recording communication aids. It has 78 minutes of high-quality recording time on 32 levels (pages), no dead spaces with enlarged key patterns from two to 32 cells per page, and each page can use a unique key pattern. Access with direct selection or a host of switch scanning techniques, including Morse code input. Uses four AA batteries, which can be rechargeable or field replaceable. Overlays held on with magnetic, hinged key surround.


The Green MACAW is the same size and has the same function and features of the 32-key Macaw 5 but has a 128-key keyboard. The Green MACAW has eight levels (pages) while the Great Green MACAW has 63 levels.