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All Products Communication Systems — AAC Digital recording communication systems Talara MACAW 5 * not available MACAW Green * not available Dynamic display systems Persona Mobile * not available Polyana-4 with Persona PolyTABLET with Persona Optimist MMX-2 Optimist 3HD Text-to-speech communication systems Allora Optimist MMX-2 with AAC software Optimist 3HD with AAC software Persona Mobile * not available Polyana-JT with Persona Polyana-4 with Persona PolyTABLET with Persona Spok21 TalkingAid Wireless Communication and literacy development software AllWrite DECtalk speech synthesis for Sensory Software Persona demo CD for Windows PC PictoCOMII SE ProtoType Reader RealSpeak speech synthesis for Sensory s/w Switch Friendly Games The Grid 2 Add-on grid sets for The Grid 2 The Grid 2 demo CD for Windows PC Windbag 3
Assistive Technology Aids to daily living Eye Gaze Communication systems Gewa Tel 200 speaker telephone Other speaker telephones Page Turner Phone Link adapters Quarter Hour Watch Safe Laser Pointer Vocally voice activated phone dialer Voice Amplifier ZaVox voice amplifier Alternative and Computer Access Alternative keyboards Gewa Access computer keyboards Head Pointers Switch input adapters for PC The Grid 2 for computer control (OSK) Environmental Control Systems Elevator controls First Aide Kits IR Receivers IR Transmitters Progress IR Transmitter Progress Star USB, Progress Micro USB IR Control Prog IR Transmitter Tools of the Trade Mounting Systems Switches and switch kits Miscellaneous products Books SwitchSkins