Medicare Funding of AAC Technology
Revised Fee Schedule (effective January, 2009) 

The amount of money Medicare will pay towards AAC products is known as an allowable, which is spelled out in the following fee schedule.

We have added our products to this table to indicate which ZYGO products fall into which Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes.

Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device Speech Generating Device
HCPCS Code E2500 (formerly K0541) E2502 (formerly K0615) E2504 (formerly K0616) E2506 (formerly K0617) E2508 (formerly K0543) E2510 (formerly K0544) E2511 (formerly K0545)
Speech Output Digitized Digitized Digitized Digitized Synthesized Synthesized Synthesized
Message Type Prerecorded Messages Prerecorded Messages Prerecorded Messages Prerecorded Messages Message Formulation Message Formulation Message Formulation
Recording Time Less than or equal to 8 minutes Greater than 8 minutes but less than or equal to 20 minutes Greater than 20 minutes but less than or equal to 40 minutes Greater than 40 minutes N/A N/A N/A
Access Method Multiple access methods Multiple access methods Multiple access methods Multiple access methods Direct Physical contact with SGD Multiple access methods Program for personal computer or PDA
Message Formulation Technique N/A N/A N/A N/A Spelling Spelling and other methods Spelling and other methods
Fee Schedule Amount $ 410.61 $1,255.59 $1,656.29 $2,428.61 $3,755.44 $7,106.66  
ZYGO Devices       Talara, Macaw Persona Mobile, Spok21 (standard) Allora, Dialect 3HD, Polyana 4-MA, PolyTABLET-MA, Spok21 (combi) The Grid 2, Windbag 3

  Mounting System Accessory
Code E2512 (formerly K0546)(individually priced) E2599 (formerly K0547)(individually priced)

HCPCS Codes Defined
HCPCS codes covered if selection criteria are met:
E2500 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, less than or equal to 8 minutes recording time
E2502 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 8 minutes but less than or equal to 20 minutes recording time
E2504 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 20 minutes but less than or equal to 40 minutes recording time
E2506 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 40 minutes recording time
E2508 Speech generating device, synthesized speech, requiring message formulation by spelling and access by physical contact with the device
E2510 Speech generating device, synthesized speech, permitting multiple methods of message formulation and multiple methods of device access
E2511 Speech generating software program, for personal computer or personal digital assistant
E2512 Accessory for speech generating device, mounting system
E2599 Accessory for speech generating device, not otherwise classified
V5336 Repair/modification of augmentative communicative system or device (excludes adaptive hearing aid)
E1902 Communication board, non-electronic augmentative or alternative communication device
ICD-9 codes covered if selection criteria are met:
315.31 - 315.39 Developmental speech or language disorder
438.10 - 438.19 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease, speech and language deficits
784.3 Aphasia
784.5 Other speech disturbance