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ZyBox X for iOS 7
mini speaker
Grid Player Tablet
Text-to-Speech Devices
Electronic Aids to Daily Living
Accessible Elevator Systems
Text-to-Speech Devices


Assistive Technologies
for Communication and Independence.

We offer a wide range of technology products to our clients so they can achieve a greater independence and to enhance the quality of their lives. These solutions improve an individual's ability to learn, work, and interact with family and friends.

Categories Communication / AAC AT / ADL / ECU
Products Text-to-Speech iOS and Android
Support Dynamic Display Aids to Daily Living
Literature Digital Recording Alternative Access
Contact AAC Software Environment Control

Voice Amplifier MiNi Voice Amplifier MiNi

Personal sound amplification

ZYGO-USA has released the ZYGO Voice Amplifier MiNi, adding another high quality personal voice amplification system to an already robust line up of voice amplifiers. This new MiNi is slightly smaller than the standard Voice Amplifier, but still delivers a loud, clear sound output.

PolyAndro Allora 2 Grid Player Tablet Optimist MMX-3C
PolyAndro with Persona for Android Jabbla Allora 2 Grid Player Tablet Optimist MMX-3C
Wireless Voice Amp ZyBox X for iOS pererro iOS Control Switches
ZYGO Wireless Voice Amplifier ZyBox X for iOS switch adapter pererro iOS switch adapter control switches
Tellus 4 Mobi 2 Zingui Smart II
Tellus 4 by Jabbla Mobi 2 by Jabbla Zingui by Jabbla Smart 2 by Jabbla
ZYGO Voice Amplifier Zavox Reo Head Pointers M-20 Eye Gaze System
ZYGO Voice Amplifier ZaVox Voice Amplifier A.D. Head Pointers with iPad tips M-20 eye gaze transfer system
The Grid 2 Mind Express Grid Player Talara-32
The Grid 2 AAC and OSK software for PC Mind Express AAC software Grid Player AAC for iOS Talara-32 digital recording
Control Prog Pilot Pro GewaTel 200 Sero!
Control Prog I.R. transmitter Pilot Pro I.R. transmitter GewaTel 200 I.R. speakerphone Sero! I.R. telephone
PowerLink 4 Accessible Power Outlet Accessible Elevators First Aide Kit
Power Link 4 Accessible Power Outlet Accessible Elevators Emergency I.R. First Aide Package

“…if all my possessions were taken
from me with one exception,
I would choose to keep the power of communication,
for by it I would soon regain all the rest.”

--Daniel Webster

Partnerships in Assistive Technologies

sensory software 50_jabbla RSL Steeper 50_abilia
ZYGO-USA Ablenet Sensory Software Jabbla RSL Steeper Abilia AB

ZYGO-USA can also be found on these sites:

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Last Updated (Monday, 10 March 2014 16:52)


Communication Systems (AAC) Devices

Assistive Technology (AT) Products

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