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Smart II by Jabbla

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Smart 2 by JabblaJabbla logo

The Smart 2 is a thin, portable, hand-held speech generating device with a bright, easy to see touch screen and high quality natural voice output.

Smart 2Mind Express on the Smart 2 offers a powerful user friendly programming interface. A number of sample pages are provided, but page sets are easily customized on the unit itself or on your PC. Mind Express is a customizable dynamic display software allowing one to make pages to suit the individual user. Pages may be designed with SymbolStix symbols from News-2-You, or from the PCS library. The software is easy to work in and has unique features such as the automatic conjugation of verbs. Both text based and symbol based input is possible, and both recorded messages and text-to-speech output can be accomplished.

Smart 2It’s crisp and clear 4” high resolution screen provides bright viewing from any angle. Direct access is available using a finger or stylus. Touch screen settings can be varied using acceptance and delay times. Scanning with one or two switches is available on the Smart 2. A switch connector is available as an extra accessory for two switch scanning.

The light weight and slim design of the Smart 2 makes it suitable for active, ambulatory individuals. An elastic strap is located behind the unit's casing so that a hand can be slipped through for support. A custom made carrying case is also supplied. The Smart is available in different colors.

Choose between American English or American Spanish languages – or both! Mind Express CE includes menus and voice output in each language.


Software Windows Mobile + Mind Express WinCE
Display Brilliant 4" VGA transflective touch screen, LED backlight (480x640)
Speech Realspeak (Nuance) or BrightSpeech (Acapela)
I/O Two USB ports (One is master, one is slave) and switch input
Audio Built-in amplified stereo speakers with high quality voice output
Weight 0.75 lbs. (340 gr)
Size: 5.75 x 3.2 x 1.1 in. (146 x 82 x 27 mm)
Colors Top: black, white – Base: black, blue, green

SKU Product Price
039-1900-10 Smart 2 Hand-held AAC, Mind Express, Realspeak $3,995.00
039-1900-30 Smart 2-SGD dedicated AAC, Mind Express, Realspeak $3,995.00
015-2400-10 Zingui/Smart switch adapter cable $20.00
015-2600-10 Smart 2 USB adapter cable TBD
386-2400-40 Smart 2 mini DaeSSy Mounting Plate TBD
019-1285-40 Extra Realspeak Language $150.00
Smart II by Jabbla
The Smart 2 is a thin, portable, hand-held speech generating device with a bright, easy to see touch screen and high quality natural voice output. ...
SKU: 039-1900-10
Price:  $3,995.00
Smart II SGD
The Smart 2 SGD is a thin, portable, hand-held speech generating device with a bright, easy to see touch screen and high quality natural voice output. ...
SKU: 039-1900-30
Price:  $3,995.00
Last Updated: Monday, 06 October 2014 15:15