Manuals, procedures, tutorials and downloads for our Products.
Aids to Daily Living, Environmental Control Units,
Digital Recording, Dynamic Display,
AAC Software, Text to Speech
Aids to Daily Living
- GewaTel 200 | manual
- GewaTel IR | channel settings
- Jupiter phone | manual
- GEWA BLV/6D Page Turner | manual
- GEWA 8410 IR-4M relay receiver | manual
- Safe Laser Pointer | manual
- Vocally Freedom | manual
- Vocally Infinity | manual
- ZYGO Wireless Voice Amplifier | instruction sheet
- ZYGO Voice Amplifier | data sheet
- Eye Transfer Communication System | manual
- Flexiboard | manual
- Quarter Hour Watch | manual
Alternative and Computer Access
- ZyBox X for iOS 7 "Scan Control" | user guide
- ZyBox for iOS "VoiceOver" | user guide
- ZyBox for iOS | menu matrix
- pererro iOS switch adapter | tech info and user manual
- AD Head Pointers | instructions (data sheet)
Environmental Control Systems
- GEWA Project Manual | take control
- Access Maxi | PC keyboard
- Access Medi | PC keyboard
- Access PROG | manual
- BigJack IR-6SP | manual
- Control PROG | manual
- Control Tool | manual
- Control 18 | manual
- Control 10 | manual
- Micro Jack IR-3SP | manual
- Micro PROG IR-1SP | manual
- Mini PROG IR-5SP | manual
- GEWA PROG III | manual
- Progress IR (iPaq) | manual
- Progress Star/Micro USB | manual
- Progress Star PC self extracting files
- Progress Star / Micro | driver read-me file
- Progress Star / Micro | driver download here
Digital Recording Devices
- EasyTalk
- DigiCom 2000
- Talara 32
- Macaw series
Dynamic Display Systems
- ZyGoMobile | with Grid Mobile 2
- e-Talk-GT | with Saltillo Chat
- e-Talk | with e-Talk 3.0
- Optimist MMX-3 | Dialect MMX-3
- Optimist MMX | Dialect MMX
- Optimist 3 | 3HD | Dialect
- PapooTouch
- Persona Mobile
- Smart II | with Mind Express CE
- Zingui | with Mind Express
- AAC Software
Text-to-Speech Devices
- PolyAndro with Persona for Android
- PapooTouch
- Allora by Jabbla
- Allora 2 | manual
- Allora 1 | manual (updated March 2008)
- Polyana-JT with Persona
- Polyana with Persona
- Polyana 4 | Persona manual
- Polyana 4 | Persona manual addendum for MA (locked SGD) model
- Polyana 4 | Quick Start Guide
- Polyana 4 | set up Subject Categories in Persona
- Polyana 4 | changing backup batteries
- Polyana 4 | Num Lock toggle on and off
- Polyana 4 | reinstall Persona after dead battery
- Polyana 4 | reinstall Persona after dead battery from CAB file
- Polyana 4 | NetBook Pro user manual
- Polyana 3 | MobilePro 900 user guide (hardware)
- Polyana 3 | changing backup batteries
- Polyana 2 | MobilePro 790 user guide (hardware)
- Extech | printer manual
- PolyTABLET with Persona
- Spok21 manual
- Spok21 | manual addendum
- TalkingAid | Wireless quick reference guide