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Communication and Literacy Development Software

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Communication and Literacy Development Software

These Windows programs can be run on a Windows PC or any Windows-based Augmentative and Alternative Communication aid. The communication (AAC) software is used to provide voice output, either through recorded messages or by text-to-speech voice synthesizers. To choose what to say, the user can select symbols, pictures, letters, and words, and the software is set up ahead of time to speak out loud based on the input selection.

The Grid 2
by Sensory Software:
combines symbol and text communication with an on-screen keyboard in a single AAC program.
Mind Express
by Jabbla:
flexible and versatile software that can be used for everyday communication, and as a therapeutic and educational tool.
The Grid 2, 1-User
Windows-based dynamic display software for AAC, on-screen keyboard, and switch access to programs. Comes with one Acapela language, SymbolStix, and Widgit Literacy Symbols. ...
SKU: 019-0575-04
Price:  $600.00
Look to Learn
Look to Learn is a software package with 40 activities designed for adults and children that are starting out with eye gaze technology. ...
SKU: 019-0615-01
Price:  $600.00
L2L - Scenes and Sounds
L2L: Scenes and Sounds is an add-on collection of 26 activities designed for adults and children that are starting out with eye gaze technology ...
SKU: 019-0616-01
Price:  $300.00
Last Updated: Monday, 06 October 2014 15:14