PODD 15 for The Grid 2
PODD aficionados are very excited about the first commercially available PODD-based grid set for speech generating devices and Windows computers. Available now in the United States!
What is PODD?
Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) is ‘a method and tool for developing and utilising augmented language input’, Porter, G. & Cafiero, J.M. 2009.
The PODD, by Gayle Porter, is currently supplied as resources and templates to develop low tech communication books.
The PODD is so much more than a communication book. For a start there are 14 versions that vary in complexity and language level. Underlying the PODD is a number of principles which are integral to the system. Smart partner, pragmatic functions, pragmatic branching, expanding vocabulary and color coding are just some of these principles. Strategies are embedded in the design of the pages, for example, space to expand vocabulary, the pragmatic categories and branching, and possibility to customize vocabulary. Other strategies involve the smart partner and the context of the communication. The PODD is becoming known all around the world as it offers the augmented communicator a system for functional, genuine communication which expands and develops in an ongoing way. It is used by children of all ages and adults with the relevant language level.
The PODD 15 Grid Set for The Grid 2
An exciting and complex collaboration across the miles between Gayle Porter, Sensory Software in the U.K., and Zyteq in Australia has finally resulted in the first commercial PODD grid sets for use on Windows based Speech Generating Devices and other computers. The PODD 15 grid set for The Grid 2 complements the PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books. It is similar in language level and organization to the one-page opening, expanded functions books. The PODD15 is designed to support children learning to express one to four key word sentences. The grid set has built-in scaffolds, including pragmatic branch starters and predictable links, to support communication.
This grid set will not be suitable for people already using the more complex PODDs. The development has been checked, modified and amended at every step by Gayle Porter. Only one style of PODD has been transferred into the format of The Grid 2, with the necessary changes to adapt it to electronic application. This PODD, PODD 15, is similar to the low tech single page PODDS with expanded functions. Due to the inherent differences between using a low tech system with a smart partner, and a PODD on a speech generating device, this PODD 15 parallels the low tech 12, 16 and 20 cell expanded functions low tech PODDs.
How it works
- The Grid 2 is the software which runs on Windows computers (Windows 8, Windows 7, or XP)
- You need The Grid 2 to be installed on the computer first.
- The computer can be a speech generating device with a Windows operating system, such as the ZYGO Optimist MMX-3C, Jabbla Tellus 4, or another Windows touch screen tablet.
- The computer must be running a full Windows operating system; not Windows RT, Windows Mobile, or a mobile platform.
- Several free grid sets are supplied with The Grid 2. Additional free grid sets can be downloaded from Sensory Software’s Online Grids web site. Users can create their own page sets, or modify the free sets to meet their needs. Some add-on grid sets have been authored by skilled third parties and are sold separately to be used in The Grid 2.
- The PODD 15 is a grid set for The Grid 2, which is based on the low tech communication books developed by Gayle Porter. This is a licensed grid set which is purchased in addition to The Grid 2.
- The PODD 15 uses Picture Communication Symbols (PCS), to provide continuity from the low tech books. PCS is an additional symbol library from Mayer-Johnson which needs to be purchased for use with The Grid 2. The Grid 2 is also supplied with SymbolStix and Widgit symbol libraries, which are included as standard. You will have access to these libraries through The Grid 2, and any additional images you wish to import. The PODD 15 has been designed to use PCS only.
The Grid 2
- The Grid 2 is available in a demo format, which will run for 60 days unlicensed.
- If you wish to continue using The Grid 2 after the 60 days a license will need to be purchased.
- The Grid 2 and the existing grid sets are readily available.
- The grid sets, if free, will be available on-going with a licensed copy of The Grid 2.
The PODD 15
- PODD 15 is a licensed grid set, but it is available for a free trial that will run for 30 day unlicensed.
- To use this after the 30 day period a license will need to be purchased.
- PCS will also be required and must be purchased to use the symbols within the PODD 15 as intended in the design.
*PODD 15 is NOT available for the iPad. The GridPlayer cannot play The PODD. The use of the iPad with the Grid 2 is quite separate from the PODD 15. Please see the information about GridPlayer to understand more about it.
SKU | Product | Price |
019-0575-04 | The Grid 2, with Acapela, SymbolStix, Widgit Literacy Symbols | $600.00 |
019-0575-PD | PODD 15 vocabulary pages for The Grid 2 | $355.00 |
019-0575-PC | PCS Library for use with The Grid 2 | $150.00 |
019-0575-PB | PODD Bundle: TG2, PODD 15, PCS Library for TG2 | $1,100.00 |
019-0575-SG | SGD Kit for The Grid 2 devices | $100.00 |
019-0575-UL | Unlock Key to turn TG2 device into open Windows platform | $50.00 |
PODD grid sets for use with The Grid 2 on Windows-based Speech Generating Devices and other computers. ...
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