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Dynamic Display Devices

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Optimist MMX

A dynamic display communication aid is usually a portable tablet style, touch screen computer running specially designed software. The software usually provides numerous communication displays that can be set-up for the user. Individual cells within each display (or page) may contain letters, words, symbols, or pictures, and verbal speech will be generated when cells or sequences of cells are selected. The user can navigate the numerous pages sequentially, or interactively as pop-up windows, by selecting cells which link one page to another. The dynamic feature refers to the changing of pages electronically, branching from page to page.

Messages can be recorded from human voice which are played back by the device user to "speak" a given message. Devices can play back any number of electronic media files, like WAV, MP3, and more to play messages or sounds. You can also use text-to-speech to create novel expressions spoken by computer-generated, synthesized voice. Buttons (or cells) can also be used to send infrared signals, send letters or words to other computer programs (when used as an on-screen keyboard), and many other stored computer functions.

The user can access devices by directly touching the screen, pointing and clicking a mouse, by head tracking mouse, eye gaze systems, joystick, or by scanning with a mechanical switch. Dynamic display devices may have one or several input methods available to the user, so you will need to match the user's abilities to the features of the devices you are considering.

Grid Pad Tablet
A slim, stylish, and powerful Windows 8 tablet communication aid with The Grid 2. ...
SKU: 039-1411-00
Price:  $2,395.00
Grid Pad GO
A slim, stylish, and powerful 8" tablet communication aid with The Grid 2 with Bluetooth speaker. ...
SKU: 039-1480-00
Price:  $2,395.00
Grid Pad Mounted
A slim Windows 8 tablet with The Grid 2 for voice output and the Servus BackBox for environment control. ...
SKU: 039-1441-00
Price:  $3,795.00
PolyAndro-10 (-32)
PolyAndro-10 is a brilliant 10" Android tablet with Persona for Android for clear text-to-speech voice. ...
SKU: 039-0820-32
Price:  $1,145.00
PolyAndro-10 (-16)
PolyAndro-10 is a brilliant 10" Android tablet with Persona for Android for clear text-to-speech voice. ...
SKU: 039-0820-16
Price:  $995.00
PolyAndro-7 (-32)
PolyAndro-7 is a brilliant 7" Android tablet with Persona for Android for clear text-to-speech voice output. ...
SKU: 039-0800-32
Price:  $695.00
PolyAndro-7 (-16)
PolyAndro-7 is a brilliant 7" Android tablet with Persona for Android for clear text-to-speech voice output. ...
SKU: 039-0800-16
Price:  $595.00
The Grid 2, 1-User
Windows-based dynamic display software for AAC, on-screen keyboard, and switch access to programs. Comes with one Acapela language, SymbolStix, and Widgit Literacy Symbols. ...
SKU: 019-0575-04
Price:  $600.00
Grid Player Tablet
Grid Player Tablet is a new, lightweight, dynamic display touch screen communication aid for talking all day long. ...
SKU: 039-1330-32
Price:  $2,095.00
Look to Learn
Look to Learn is a software package with 40 activities designed for adults and children that are starting out with eye gaze technology. ...
SKU: 019-0615-01
Price:  $600.00
Last Updated: Monday, 06 October 2014 15:13