ZYGO Market Place
To post a free ad in the ZYGO Market Place please contact the webmaster

Need A Type & Speak Voice Communica
Our volunteer charity is in desperate need of a type & speak voice unit for an uninsured volunteer. He had a complete Laryngectomy and Tracheostomy 6/05. Our charity is completely volunteer and we do not have the funds to pay for a voice unit but we will give a tax deductible receipt for the full value of the unit donated. The New Hope Center is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity and your donation of a type and speak unit will be a blessing to the man who is finding it difficult to cope without being able to communicate now. Our Saginaw, Michigan telephone number is: (989) 752-5549 and ask for Dale Brown. We can at least pay shipping costs for your gift of speech. God bless and thank you.

Posted: Wed, 6 Jul. 2005 Expires: Tue, 4 Oct. 2005

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Lightwriter SL35 Big Keys
Purchased for mother-in-law. Used very little before she died. Cost $6600 new. Taking best offer. Call 828-342-2524. E-mail [email protected]

Posted: Tue, 14 Jun. 2005 Expires: Mon, 12 Sep. 2005

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Posted: Mon, 6 Jun. 2005 Expires: Sun, 4 Sep. 2005

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Lightwriter SL87
EXCELLENT CONDITION. Gives quality of life back to ALS patient. Includes mounting for wheelchair. Original cost over $5,000. Will sell and ship for $2500 or best offer. Call 207-947-8666 or email [email protected].

Posted: Wed, 25 May. 2005 Expires: Tue, 23 Aug. 2005

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Lightwriter DEC talk SL86
SL86 Scanning uniet w/keyboard, bright Scan Display, DECtalk Speech and Backlighted displays, VFD/LCD displays , Internet ready NEVER USED, STILL IN BOX. INCLUDES ALL ACCESSORIES. PAID $6,250.00. Will sell for $2,500.00 or offer.Call (775)-722-0479

Posted: Tue, 10 May. 2005 Expires: Mon, 8 Aug. 2005

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Voice Activated Telephone phone Sal
Webpage http://justel.freehomepage.com

contact [email protected]

TOTALLY VOICE ACTIVATED PHONE SYSTEM: Good for handicapped, disabled,
wheelchair handicap user with disabilities. Just say hello, and
speakerphone answers a ringing phone. To dial out, just say the name
of person (after programming), and it dials that telephone number.
Automatic hang-up. 3 phones in 1, voice activated, handset or just
regular speakerphone. $110 delivered PRIORITY MAIL ONLY. USA SALES ONLY

True Hands free voice recognition diability speaker phone. Memory preset
up to 60 names. Voice Command auto dialing & answering. Auto hang up on
busy tone or no answer. Optional digit dialing capability. You can
use as a regular telephone or speakerphone. 3 phones in 1. Easy to
program and use. $110 delivered PRIORITY MAIL ONLY. USA SALES ONLY

webpage http://justel.freehomepage.com

contact [email protected]

Posted: Fri, 29 Apr. 2005 Expires: Sat, 29 Apr. 2006

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