The Grid
On-Screen Keyboard and Dynamic Screen Communication:
The complete solution for computer access and communication

The Grid as a communication aid

The Grid is the easiest and most powerful assistive communication system available, making it faster than ever to create symbol grids. Grids may also be used on PDAs, as on-screen keyboards and as printed overlays.

The Grid's Symbol Communication screenSymbol Communication

  • A growing range of pre-stored vocabularies* that provide hundreds of ready made grids to start the user off.
  • Creating and editing grids is fast — just type the message and the correct symbol and cell options are determined for you.
  • Flexible appearance options for colors, fonts, picture size, cell spacing and more to suit the user's needs.
  • Now supports symbol linking (semantic compaction).
  • Export grids to Windows CE or palmtop machine.
  • Print overlays for digitized communication aids.


The Grid's Text Communication Screen

Text Communication

  • A built in message editor makes it a complete AAC application.
  • You can use symbol grids or text grids to add text to the message bar.
  • Powerful prediction of up to 10,000 words reduces the number of selections to choose a word.
  • Software feature to support users with poor language skills, including subject-specific word banks, speech preview of selections and auto-correction of common errors.


The Grid as an on-screen keyboard

Both text and symbol grids can be used to type text in any Windows program, and Windows functions can be controlled from The Grid.

On-screen keyboard featuresThe Grid used as an on-screen keyboard

  • Use The Grid to type into any Windows program.
  • Type quickly with intelligent predictive typing.
  • Smart menu scanning allows fast access to your Windows program's features.
  • Take complete control of Windows, including swapping between applications, arranging the desktop and even re-booting the computer.
  • Use and create custom grids for controlling specific programs such as Word, Outlook, Internet Explorer and others. Grids for many popular programs are included on the CD.
  • Direct switch control of menus, dialog boxes, web page links, mouse, taskbar and more.

The Grid additional features

The grid brings together a flexible dynamic screen communication aid with a powerful on-screen keyboard. By combining these elements into one program, users can change the way they use their computer without changing the program and assistants only need to learn one program to support everyone.

A wide range of input options

The Grid can be controlled with a touch-screen, mouse, head pointer, keyboard, joystick or switches.

  • Special accessibility settings for touch screens, head pointers, etc.
  • Advanced switch options allow fully customizable switch modes including block scanning.
  • Now supports up to 8 switches for multi-direction scanning.
  • New inputs — connect switches via USB, serial, joystick, or keyboard ports.

Supports all major speech technology

The Grid can be used to speak using Microsoft SAPI Speech, DECtalk, InfoVox and Dolphin speech systems. Also works with digitized (recorded) speech and pre-recorded sound files.

seamlessly integrates with environmental controls
Environmental Control

  • Seamless integration of both on-screen keyboard and symbol communication with environmental controls.
  • Compatible with all major makes of environmental controls.
  • Mix messages and environmental control in the same grid.
  • GEWA PROG may be trained from within the program.


Support for early learners

  • You can use symbol grids designed for communication as writing tools with any standard software.
  • All the WordWall language support features are included.
  • Fully compatible with grids created using Winspeak, WordWall, HandsOFF! and InGrid.

Learn how to setup The Grid and start using this program with the Getting Started with The Grid manual
Learn the more advanced references to The Grid with The Grid's Reference Manual

Please Note: To receive a FREE! evaluation copy of The Grid on CD via priority mail, simply e-mail us at [email protected]. Please include your name, complete address, and phone number.

*CALLtalk, Ingfield Dynamic Vocabularies and Chaily Communication System currently available.