GEWA ACCESS Computer Keyboards
Remote Computer Access!

ACCESS MaxiACCESS Medi and ACCESS Maxi are both enlarged-key keyboards that control computers with the same remote infrared (IR) that has made GEWA so world renowned.

ACCESS Keyboard/Mouse InterfaceThe wireless systems are powerful infrared transmitters that communicate with computers through the ACCESS keyboard/Mouse Interface that is supplied with each keyboard.

The keyboards have two levels, one for the keyboard and one for environmental control. In addition to complete computer control, the keyboards can control everything in the GEWA "Smart House" product realm. Macros can be recorded with things like names, addresses, etc., and transmitted with a single keystroke. Multi-function environmental control commands can be transmitted in the same manner.ACCESS Medi

The keyboards can be adapted to individual needs by changing settings for keyboard Delay and Repeat rate.

The smaller unit, ACCESS Medi, is direct selection and scanning (12 different scanning methods), while the larger ACCESS Maxi is direct selection only. Both units have integral kayguards. The ACCESS Medi's keys are 1/2" (12.7 mm) in diameter and the ACCESS Maxi's keys are 3/4" (19 mm) in diameter.