Industries, Inc.
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(503) 684 - 6006
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New &
New Polyana
AAC aid for writing and talking - a lot!
Polyana is a Pocket Windows
PC companion that has been modified to meet the needs of an augmentative/alternative
communication (AAC) unit. Its light weight (2.3 lbs/1.1 kg) makes
carrying easy by its folding carry-handle/stability stand and
its small size makes it convenient to slip into a pocket or purse.
The audio amplifier/speaker base-pack provides exceptionally
loud, clear output. A sliding volume control in front is used
to set the sound output level. It has a long battery life on
each charge and is relatively inexpensive.
AAC software is available
on memory cards or for downloading from a personal computer.
The touch screen on the color display is easily accessed with
a pointer or finger. Wheelchair mounting
systems are available.
A host of programs for daily use are included as well as a modem
for e-mail and internet access. Print to full-size PC printers
through the infrared link or direct serial connection.
New Optimist
II is here
Designed on a new generation hand-held tablet-size, personal
pen computer, the Optimist II is
a powerful AAC aid that is ideal for direct selection on its
8.4 inch screen or scanning its dynamic display. The unit's light
weight of 3.7 lbs/1.7 kg makes carrying easy and its audio amplifier/speaker
module provides exceptionally loud, clear output.
A touch screen on the color display is easily accessed and its
design precludes the need for keyguards. AAC
software may be pre-installed and wheelchair
mounting systems are available.
The Optimist II can be accessed by switches,
joystick, trackball or adapted mouse, an adaptive keyboard, voice
recognition or the built-in touch screen or any of the
standard computer access methods.
The standard unit comes pre-loaded with Windows 98 and a variety
of speech synthesis and AAC packages are optional.
Revisited Capacitance Switch Zero Force
This switch requires only contact for activation, so it may be
suitable for people who have little strength or ability to press
a regular mechanical style switch.
The Capacitance Switch is now available with two different style
plates. One contact plate is approximately match-box size, and
the switch mechanism is enclosed in the box which is almost 1
cm high. The alternative red plate is larger and flatter. The
switch mechanism is exposed underneath the plate.
These are high-visual contrast pictographs featuring white icons
on a black background. This set was originally created by Subhas
C. Maharaj in Canada for use with developmentally delayed individuals
and became enthusiastically adopted in Sweden where the Swedish
Institute of Handicapped Läromedel has increased the original
set to over 900 images. Each Pictogram, with and without text,
is on a CD-ROM. Images are in Windows Metafile Format (WMF) that
maintain their proportions when resized. Pictograms
CD-ROM contains over 1200 pictographs. A limited set is also
available as peel and stick labels for those without computer
PROG Raincoats
Protective plastic molded covers are now available for the GEWA PROG trainable environmental
control unit. These help to protect the unit against rain, liquid,
and other substances which may damage it. They are supplied in
PiggyBack New Mount
for LightWRITER with Scan
This new mounting plate accommodates the LightWRITER with Scan
Module. The units are mounted back-to-back so that the person
using the system views the Scan Module and the communication
partners can see the LightWRITER display. The PiggyBack mount
has a 7/8 inch diameter clamp for compatibility with our mounting systems.
Application Idea
Melinda and John are twins. They
are four years old and love reading books with their parents.
While they are reading the books, John makes lots of comments
about the story and the pictures. He also asks to have books
read again and again. Melinda is also very interested in these
reading sessions, however, until recently, she has had no way
of participating which has greatly concerned her parents as they
are very anxious for her to have good emergent literacy experiences
to give her a head-start in learning to read and write.
Melinda has cerebral palsy. She has a few words which familiar
people recognize, a range of gestures and body language, some
mini-boards with picture symbols that she uses to communicate
in specific situations (such as bath time) and she also has a
MACAW electronic
communication device. Melinda loves using her MACAW
to order a meal at McDonald, to tell her brother how awful his
paintings are and to join in at playtime with other children
at her pre-school setting.
After visiting Melinda at home and discussing their concerns
about Melindas emergent literacy experiences, her pre-school
teacher suggested that Melinda also use her MACAW
to participate more in story time. Her parents thought this was
a great idea and began working on an overlay for Melinda to use
during book reading. They found this quite easy, as they made
a list of the phrases that John used and then picked the most
common ones to be included on Melindas overlay. The overlay
was modified after a month, removing a couple of phrases which
she had never used and including some new ones which they thought
would be more appropriate.
Melinda is now able to participate much more in story time than
in the past she and John can take turns choosing books,
and both of them are able to ask questions. Melinda is also now
able to ask for her favorite books to be read again, and again,
and again all of which are important parts of gaining
emergent literacy success and which are not available to many
children who dont have functional speech. Melindas
parents are delighted, and report that Melinda has become even
more interested in books than before asking almost any
adult who comes in the house to read with her!
Her parents are so impressed with Melindas increased participation
and interest in story time that they have also scanned some of
her favorite pictures from picture books and put them on the
MACAW as an overlay.
They have recorded messages about the pictures so that Melinda
is able to talk about these books to her friends and extended
Melindas teacher also reports that Melindas interest
in text and other childrens writing has increased dramatically,
and they shortly hope to put a voice recognition package on their
computer so that Melinda will be able to dictate
some of her favorite stories using her MACAW.
Click here to view Melinda's
overlay. To use this overlay on a MACAW,
you need to save this picture to your hard disk, or print it
directly from your browser.
Innovative Use of Voice Output Devices This year
we have heard of some creative applications of MACAWs
and Parakeets. In some hospitals
devices are being set-up with languages other than English and
being used to assist patients to understand questions or instructions
in their own language. The care giver or nurse presses the key
on the device and it speaks the message for the patient to hear
in his/her language.
MACAW Update
Auditory Scanning with Cues Auditory scanning is a mode
of accessing devices with a single switch. In this mode, the
available messages are heard, so if the user is unable to see
the display, he/she can communicate independently by activating
the switch when he/she hears the desired message. Usually the
message is then repeated at a louder volume for the listener
to hear.
Green family has always had 3 modes of auditory scanning
non-repeat, repeat and personal headset modes. The 'repeat'
and 'personal headset' modes can now be set with an auditory
cue so the user only hears a key word or cue prior to making
a selection. The whole message is then spoken out.
Software version X1.32 is required in order to use this feature.
To arrange for a software upgrade, please contact
ZYGO. Please note that the MACAW II cannot be upgraded to
a MACAW 3 and, while it has auditory
scanning if it is an SC model, it does not have the headset mode
it cannot have the auditory cue feature added.
Talking LightWRITERs
Telephone Tips The LightWRITER
with DECtalk speech can be understood over the phone. Since some
unfamiliar people may be surprised to hear a synthesized voice,
it may be necessary to store messages such as, "I am talking
to you using a computer voice." and "Please don't hang-up."
If the aforementioned 'strategy' messages have been stored, they
can be spoken out readily and repeated if necessary. Feedback
from our LightWRITER customers
suggests that calls to unfamiliar people are likely to be unsuccessful
and calls to answering machines may not allow enough time to
type messages so prepared messages stored in memory will
be essential. Some people find that certain voices such as Paul,
may be more intelligible over the phone and it may be necessary
to slow down the speech and set speech gaps. If you find a particular
set-up that works for the phone, you can save these settings
as a Set-Up Group. See the manual for help on saving a Set-Up
Group. Once saved, you can quickly move between your regular
talking set-ups and your preferred settings for talking on the
phone. One of our customers suggests use of short words and avoidance
of abbreviations.
A special feature is available for clarification over the phone.
Press SHIFT then REPLAY to spell the last word. It can also be
useful when talking on the phone to prepare your conversation
and store it in memory. If you store sentences using periods
and question marks to separate them, you can pause the speech
by pressing the REPLAY button. So you could store something similar
to this ....
"Hi, it's X here. (Pause) Can I speak to Y? (Pause) Hi Y,
how are you? (Pause) I'm good, thanks. I'm calling about our
This call can be stored in one memory. The conversations can
be controlled by pausing the voice output as described here,
and waiting for your friend to respond in the pauses.
To use the LightWRITER over the phone, it is easiest to use a
speaker phone. The LightWRITER
can sit on the table next to the speaker phone and the voices
can transmit through the air. If you cannot sit close enough
to the phone, an external speaker on a lead can be plugged into
the LightWRITER. This enables
the sound output to be positioned closer to the phone.
Asked Question
Question: My MACAW is "locked" and the Message
key number 11 and the RECORD/PLAY LED which is located below
F5 key are stuck ON.
Answer: When the Message key number 11 is stuck ON, it
means low battery. Follow these steps to solve your problem:
Does the unit work with the charger ON?
YES, then reset the unit and recharge it. The unit hasn't been
fully charged, it normally takes about 8 hours for a complete
NO, then the charger could be defective. Follow the next step.
With the charger plugged in, you should observe these LEDs lighted.
On the MACAW 3 or MACAW
Green, it's a green LED on the right hand side and on the
MACAW II, it's on the back of the unit. If you don't see any
LEDs lighted, then your charger may be defective.
Did you know?
ZYGO can help you find
your funding sources.
Repair Advice
- Always phone ZYGO first to discuss
problems. Have the unit with you by the phone when you call.
We will issue a Return Authorization (RA) number if the problem
cannot be solved over the phone. Remember ZYGO warranty only
covers manufacturers defects.
- When sending the unit for repair,
pack it well in a sturdy box and write the RA number on
the box. Always enclose a letter with your contact details and
the description of the problem.
- Do not send the equipment to
places other than authorized ZYGO repair facilities. The warranty
may be voided if the unit is opened by unauthorized individuals
or repair facilities.
Market Place
You could use this free interactive service if:
- You need to re-sell the equipment
you no longer require.
- You need to purchase used equipment.
Simply click here to buy
or sell a ZYGO product. This allows interested buyers to
interact with sellers directly.
Please be sure to advise us of your purchase so your ZYGO
Area Representative or Customer Service person may be available
to assist you in how to best utilize your communication aid (from
their simplest to most complex features) and answer your questions.
Please call ahead for an appointment. These sessions are designed
to meet individual needs and are, of course, free. |