Representatives & Dealers

To find ZYGO area representatives or dealers in the United states, click on your state from the map below. If you don't live in the United States, go to Other Countries.

ZYGO area representatives in the United states

ZYGO Area Representatives

 States Covered
 Jeri Hoffman  Jeri Lynn Hoffman, M.A.
Director of Marketing and Sales
33195 Wagon Wheel Drive
Solon, OH 44139
Toll Free: (866) 498-6006
Tel: (440) 498-4727
Fax: (440) 498-4728
E-mail: Jeri

Ohio & Michigan
 Adam Weiss  Adam D. Weiss, B.A.
ZYGO California
31805 Highway 79 South #162
Temecula, CA 92592
Toll Free: (888) 321-6006
Tel: (951) 303-9097
Fax: (951) 303-9271
E-mail: Adam

California & Arizona
 Brian Weiss  Brian M. Weiss, B.S. EE
ZYGO Connecticut
PO Box 4243
Stamford, CT 06907-0243
Toll Free: (888) 212-6006
Tel: (203) 348-2891
Fax: (203) 363-0542
E-mail: Brian

  Connecticut; Long Island; Massachusetts; Southern New York & Rhode Island

 Mindy Williams
Mindy Williams, AAC Specialist
1105 Hwy 38
Tipton, IA 52772
Toll Free: (888) 682-6006
Tel: (563) 886-6649
Fax: (563) 886-6961
E-mail: Mindy

 Iowa; Minnesota; Nebraska & Wisconsin

aZYGO Logo
 Contact ZYGO at
(800) 234-6006

 Alabama; North Dakota; South Dakota; Florida; Georgia; Maine; Mississippi; Eastern Montana; New Hampshire; Western Tennessee &
West Virginia



 States Covered
  AAC Connections
PO Box 1736
Evergreen, CO 80439
Tel: (303) 670-9243
Fax: (303) 670-4795
E-mail: AAC Connections

 Colorado; New Mexico; Utah; Wyoming & Nevada
 Roger Williams  American Communication & Rehab
3600 S. 129th West Ave.
Sand Springs, OK 74063
Tel: (918) 241-2110
Fax: (918) 241-2112
 Arkansas; Kansas; Missouri & Oklahoma
See Also Medi-Serv
 Ann McIntyre  Ann McIntyre
11623 Briar Rose Drive
Houston, TX 77077-1004
Tel: (281) 589-8493
Fax: (281) 870-8229
 Louisiana; Texas
 Mildred Telega-Horner
 Augmentative Communication Consultants, Inc. (A.C.C.I.)
PO BOX 731
Moon Township, PA 15108
Toll Free: (800) 982-2248
Tel: (412) 264-6121
Fax: (412) 269-0923
 Delaware; District of Columbia; Maryland; New Jersey & Pennsylvania
 Dean Iverson  Augmentative Equipment Systems
PO Box 70265
Eugene, OR 97401
Tel: (541) 343-0505
Fax: (541) 343-1889
E-mail: Augmentative Equipment Systems
 Alaska; Idaho; Western Montana; Oregon & Washington, Wyoming
 Paul W. Forbes  Forbes Rehab Services
49 S. Illinois Ave.
Mansfield, OH 44905
Toll Free: 877 884-9383
Tel: (419) 589-7688
Fax: (419) 884-9885
Wally Soares
Wally Soares
 Island Skill Gathering
3472 Kanaina Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96815-4225
Tel: (808) 732-4622
Fax: (808) 739-5464
E-mail: Island Skill Gathering
 Janet Ocasio
Janet Ocasio, MRC
 JR Ocasio Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
PO Box 22625
San Juan, PR 00931-2625
Tel: (787) 776-2100
Fax: (787) 776-2244
E-mail: Janet
 Puerto Rico
 Ken Whitley  Key Technologies
PO Box 1997
Morganton, NC 28680-1997
Toll Free: 888 433-5303
Tel: (828) 433-5302
Fax: (828) 433-6298
E-mail: Key Technologies
 North Carolina; South Carolina; Eastern Tennessee & Virginia

Jan Daniel
3220 East 21st Street
Tulsa, OK 74114
Toll Free: (877) 749-7774
Tel: (918) 749-7774
Fax: (918) 747-4920
 Arkansas; Kansas; Missouri & Oklahoma
See Also American Communications & Rehab
 Debbie Fortman  SPEC-TECH
PO Box 1369
Greenwood, IN 46142
Toll Free: (800) 765-7483
Tel: (317) 782-4346
Fax: (317) 782-4347
 Indiana & Kentucky
 David Woods  Surgimed
109 Eagle Street
North Adams, MA 01247
Tel: (413) 663-8655
Fax: (413) 664-8462
E-mail: Surgimed
 Nancy Millet /
Nancy Booth
 Upstate Communication Resource
1 Grove Street, Suite 115
Pittsford, NY 14534-1328
Tel: (585) 264-0527
Fax: (585) 383-0748
E-mail: Upstate Communication
 Northern New York & Vermont

 Ralph Samek

 Woodlake Technologies
650 West Lake Street,
Suite 320
Chicago, IL 60661
Toll Free: (800) 253-4391
Tel: (312) 655-9200
Fax: (312) 655-8615
E-mail: Woodlake Technologies


Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Eastern Montana; Western Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; Long Island, New York; Northern New York; Southern New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Puerto Rico; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Eastern Tennessee; Western Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.