ZYGO Chatter
Published May 2000

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 »Talking LightWRITERs
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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1008
Portland, OR

(503) 684 - 6006
(800) 234 - 6006

(503) 684 - 6011

[email protected]


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New & Improved

New GEWA Pocket Switch — This is a 'plate' style mechanical switch, supplied with a fabric cover with a Velcro closure. The switch is rectangular and measures 4.1"x 2.4" x 1.3" (105 x 60 x 33 mm). It weighs 1.8 oz (50 grams) and requires 7 oz (200 grams) of operating force. This compares with 1.8 oz (50 grams) for the Plate switch and 2.8 oz (80 grams) for the Lolly switch. It provides crisp auditory and tactile feedback when activated. The cover is available in red or green and can be removed for washing.

New Safe Laser Pointer — Laser pointers may be used in lectures to point to projected information. They can also be used by someone to point to items on a communication board or wall chart. The type of laser pointers used in lectures can be purchased very inexpensively. The Laser Pointer from GEWA, however is specifically designed to be used as an accessing tool for communication.

The DIFFERENCE is the safety factor. Regular laser pointers can cause damage to the retina if they are projected directly into someone's eye. They are graded as safe for public use as they project a visible light that cannot harm the skin.

The GEWA Laser Pointer has an altered output such that in order to damage the retina, the laser beam must be held absolutely still, fixed on one specific spot, and not moved for approximately 4 seconds — which is virtually impossible. This means that the GEWA Laser Pointer has a security time 16 times greater than the regular type of laser pointer used in lectures. This is significant when the person using the laser pointer is wearing it on his or her head and pointing to a communication board or a wall chart. When eye contact is made with a communication partner, the laser pointer may be inadvertently directed into the partner's eyes.

The GEWA Laser Pointer has been used successfully in a hospital in Melbourne, Australia with patients in bed who use a communication charts mounted on the wall. Although these particular patients had a diagnosis of motor neuron disease (ALS), this application may be relevant to others regardless of the diagnosis.

Parakeet 5 — The Parakeet 5 isn't new but it seems to have missed an appearance in the previous ZYGO Chatter. The Parakeet 5 is a simple electronic communication device with just 5 keys arranged in a single column. It has a total of 2 minutes recording time, 24 seconds per key. Messages are recorded by speaking into the built-in microphone, so any voice, in any language, or sounds can be stored in the unit. The Parakeet 5 measures 3.2"W x 5.5"L x 1" to 1.6"H (8W x 14L x 2.5 to 4H cm). The unit weighs 8 oz (230 grams) with the battery installed.

A black canvas carry bag with waist strap is supplied with the Parakeet 5. Customers who have purchased Parakeet 5 have found it useful in situations where a limited message set is required to complement another communication system, such as: signing; for situations where the support team require a very straight-forward device; as an adjunct to a more complex and slower spelling system. It's being used for instant messages to gain attention or to provide strategy comments such as "I'd like to make a comment about that", or as a training device towards something more powerful.

The main advantages of the Parakeet 5 are:

  • Its simplicity — the instructions are contained on a business card sized laminated luggage tag attached to the carry bag. There are no fancy features to complicate or confuse. Anyone should be able to pick up the device, read the brief instructions and understand how to record new messages for the person using it.
  • Minimal maintenance — as the battery is a regular 9 volt dry cell, no charging is required. The battery provides several months of use.
  • The Parakeet 5 is very light and easy to carry. The small size and black carry bag have the appearance of a mobile phone or "walkman", enabling the Parakeet to fit easily with the current trends of carrying such equipment.
  • The voice reproduction is of a high quality and recording time per square is relatively long.

NOTE: The Parakeet 15 operates similarly but is a larger unit with 15 keys.
Please contact us at (503) 684-6006 or toll free (800) 234-6006, if you would like to arrange to see the Parakeets.


MACAW models reviewed — All MACAW models share many features. All current models have:

  • Direct access in addition to the scanning modes (including auditory scanning)
  • Keyboards which can be varied from at least 2 large keys, 4 keys, 8, 16 and 32 keys
  • Battery level indication
  • Recording time remaining indication
  • A smart and fast charging system which cannot overcharge the battery
  • Carry handle and neck strap
  • Rugged, lightweight construction
  • Levels, key-linking, key sequencing and other standard features

The MACAW models can be considered in several categories:

MACAW 3 Family — This consists of several models with the 32 key keyboard as the default. Models in this family vary according to the amount of recording time they have. The MACAW 3 family has 32 levels. Please note that each model can readily be upgraded to the next for the difference in cost between the models.

MACAW 3 with 9 minutes of recording time
MACAW 3+ with 19 minutes of recording time
MACAW 3+2 with 38 minutes of recording time

Green MACAW Family — These models have a keyboard with 128 smaller keys.

MACAW Green with 19 minutes of recording time and 8 levels
MACAW Green+2 with 38 minutes of recording time and 63 levels

The next models are 'oversized' MACAWs in the Green family. They have keyboards measuring 9.75" x 15" (25 x 38 cm), rather than the standard 11.5" x 7.75" (29.2 x 19.7 cm).

DACtyl MACAW with 19 minutes of recording time and 8 levels
DACtyl MACAW+2 with 38 minutes of recording time and 63 levels

Internal Flash Memory Family — All of the above models are available with internal flash memory to significantly expand the memory. Each unit operates using memory in a MemCard as listed above. In addition, the internal flash memory can be accessed to upload and download additional message sets and setups, equivalent, in effect, to having multiple MemCards.

For example: If it helps to think of it this way, a Big Blue MACAW is a MACAW 3+ with a 19 minute memory and an additional 10 hours of flash memory. That is equivalent to having 32 'personalities' or 32 MemCards inside. The flash memory units have 10 to 12 hours of memory depending on the model.

Call our customer service department at (503) 684-6006 or (800) 234-6006 to discuss pricing, upgrade options and trade-in policies.


MACAW Application Idea

Managing Overlays — Here's another idea, thanks to the Speech Pathologists at the Technability in Australia.

This design may be useful if the person using the MACAW has the physical ability to change the overlays independently or to make life a bit easier for support people who need to switch overlays quickly.

This particular idea has been designed for 4 overlays. Make the 4 overlays required and stick each pair back to back. You now have two double-sided overlays which could be used in this manner, or proceed to the next step.

Stick the pairs of overlays together along the top edge of each pair. When laid flat they appear upside down to each other. When folded they can easily be flipped or folded and slipped back under the keyguard or overlay retainer. You now have 4 readily accessible overlays.

If you choose to try this design, ensure that the overall thickness is not too great or the keyboard sensitivity will be affected. This particular setup was designed for a person who presses the keys very firmly so the sensitivity was not an important issue.

Please prevent MACAW problems by ...

» Never using Blu-Tak (that putty-like material used to adhere things to walls, etc.) or sticky tape to secure overlays. The thickness of the Blu-Tak can cause the keyboard to be activated and the MACAW will appear to be malfunctioning.

» Replacing your MemCard battery annually. A flat or low battery can be the cause of major problems.


GEWA PROG III New Version — The PROG is a trainable infrared remote control. It can be set up with functions from existing remote controls to operate TV, VCR and other electrical appliances. The PROG III offers switch access with a range of scanning modes for people who are physically unable to operate the regular remote controls.

Version 3 of the PROG III is now available. New features include:

  • Faster recording of infrared signals
  • Ability to learn X-10 infrared codes rather than using Level 10 only
  • Creation of customized scanning sequences
  • Option of controlling a mouse or a PC using the Access Keyboard Interface
  • Ability to move into different scan modes, e.g., scan whole levels or scan only the keys needed for a particular activity, such as controlling the Page Turner
  • User control of the numbers of times each scan sequence is repeated
  • Even more functions in the PROG Windows software

All new PROG IIIs sold from March 2000 will be Version 3.0. Older PROG IIIs may be able to be upgraded to PROG III version 3.0. Please contact ZYGO for details.

GEWA PROG Software Version 4.4.7 — Version 4.4.7 of the GEWA PROG software for the computer software control is now available from GEWA's website.

The new version offers many extra features, including easier management of your I-R code library, setting up macros through the software and (for PROG III version 3.x and above) the ability to control the recording of I-R signals from your PC.

Talking LightWRITERs

Did You Know ...?

There are 3 levels of LightWRITER setups (SL35, SL35 Big Keys, SL35/C, SL85, SL86):

1. Setups
2. Advanced Setups
3. Expert Setups

The concept behind this design is to offer varying levels of features that can be changed. The Expert Setups offer all options.

LightWRITER setups can be locked so that they cannot be changed inadvertently. To hide the setups, press MEM MEM MEM Comma (Shift Period) Q. When attempting to access the setups (MEM Replay) the display will show "Setups Unavailable". To unlock, press MEM MEM MEM Comma (Shift Period) Q.

Using the LightWRITER to speak 'whole messages' — A special setting called SMARTKEYS can be activated so that any key pressed will immediately speak the message stored under that key. This overrides the spelling facility of the LightWRITER and is intended for use where it may be preferable to stick pictures on the keys to represent stored messages, much in the same way as the MACAW or Parakeet would generally be used.

LightWRITER's Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use my LightWRITER as an alternative computer keyboard?
The answer is no. It is possible to connect the LightWRITER to a computer, but ONLY for the purpose of downloading, uploading and editing the LightWRITER's memory. Since you are connecting a computer to a computer, it is relatively a complex process. So, NO, it is not possible to use the LightWRITER as a regular keyboard for the computer.

Q. My LightWRITER display is illuminated, but there is no cursor and I have just charged it — why won't it work?
Most computers freeze from time to time, and this is what has happened to the LightWRITER when it appears in this state. It is necessary to reset the unit. Connect the LightWRITER to an active charger. Hold down the OFF key on the LightWRITER for 20 to 30 seconds. Release the key and wait. The display should say 'waiting' and 'resetting' and will then run through various checks until it comes to rest with the cursor flashing ready for use.

Q. Can I plug a regular computer printer into the LightWIRTER to produce a story or letter?
The answer is both yes and no. A range of computer printers can be connected to the LightWRITER using a special cable. Be aware, however, that the LightWRITER is not a word processor and has very limited editing features. The input memory buffer is 250 characters, so it is necessary to print after typing each section of 250 characters. So, while it is possible to use the LightWRITER with a computer printer, it is not recommended for producing stories or long tracts of text. It is preferable to use a regular computer and appropriate software package for that purpose. We received this query recently relative to someone who had difficulty with the way the MiniPrinter breaks up the words when printing in large font. A computer printout on letter-sized paper would be of assistance in this situation.

News Worthy

Used Equipment for Sale — ZYGO is happy to assist customers to re-sell equipment they no longer require by advertising the available equipment in the Market Place. We also provide support to people purchasing used equipment. Please be sure to advise us of your purchase so your ZYGO Area Representative or Customer Service person will be available to teach you how to best utilize your communication aids (from their simplest to most complex features) and answer your questions. Please call ahead for an appointment. These sessions are designed to meet individual needs and are, of course, free.

Repair Advice

  • Always phone ZYGO first to discuss problems and have the unit with you by the phone. We will issue a Return Authorization (RA) number if the problem cannot be solved over the phone.
  • When sending the unit for repair, pack it well in a sturdy box and write the RA number on the box. Always enclose a letter with your contact details and the description of the problem.
  • Do not send the equipment to places other than authorized ZYGO repair facilities. The warranty may be voided if the unit is opened by unauthorized individuals or repair facilities.