Overview of LightWRITERSTM
Made in England by Toby Churchill Ltd.

For people with progressive conditions, i.e. ALS/MND.

Many people with progressive conditions may have their speech affected and become unable to communicate as their voices get weaker. Communication aids are then required, preferably with voice output.

LightWRITERs are small portable text-to-speech communication aids specially designed to meet the particular needs of people with speech loss and for progressive conditions. They are now accessible through Morse code. For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 234-6006.

 Features of LightWRITERs

Dual Displays for easier communicationDual Displays
LightWRITERs are unique in having dual displays, one facing the user so he or she can see what is being typed, and a second outfacing display to allow communication in a natural face-to-face position.

People who are unable to speak should not be denied eye contact, facial expression and body language, all of which are important communication elements.

Close View of a LightWRITERCustom Designed
LightWRITERs are specially designed with saliva-resistant keyboards(optional raincoats are available), high legibility displays, rugged design, and long life rechargeable batteries for use all day.

LightWRITERs are designed to accommodate the wide range of other disabilities which may accompany loss of speech, such as poor motor control, tremor, muscle weakness, slow reactions, impaired vision and deafness.

High Legibility DisplayHigh Legibility Displays
High legibility displays are used for the widest range of lighting conditions and to cater to vision impairment.

Meets All Communication Needs
LightWRITERs can have a range of internal speech synthesizers available in English and other European languages. Any word typed will be spoken aloud to give a natural form of communication, and allows conversation over the telephone.

LightWRITERs have built in buzzers to summon attention, and may be connected to printers and computers to provide written output.

Tremor Control
All LightWRITERs have adjustable tremor control to suppress inadvertent key presses.

Easy to Use!
LightWRITERs are extremely easy to use. You simply turn them on and type. No special training is required in their operation. Users do not feel intimidated of the technology.

Acceleration Techniques
» Memories

All LightWRITERs store memories so that frequently used words or phrases can be retrieved with Word Prompting in Action2-key selections.

» Abbreviation / Expansion
Allows frequently used words or phrases to be stored and retrieved quickly using letter codes.

» Word Prompting
All LightWRITERs that support scanning have word prompting included as standard, which gives a significant reduction in keystrokes and increases one's communication speed.

 Keyboard LightWRITERs

LightTouch Keyboard in UseLightWRITERs are widely used by people with progressive conditions due to their small, compact design and the features provided.

The LightWRITER's keyboard has proven itself for easy access over many years of use in the field.

The specially-designed LightTouch keyboard requires a very low operating force and can continue to be used even as finger muscles weaken. The LightWRITER may be adapted to scanning with a switch when the keyboard can no longer be used.

Alternative Keyboard LayoutsAlternative keyboard layouts
The keyboard can be changed quickly in the field between QWERTY (English typewriter layout), ABCDE (alphabetical layout), AZERTY (French typewriter layout), & QWERTZ (German typewriter layout).

Built-in Alarms
LightWRITERs have two built-in alarms for summoning attention.

Language options
LightWRITERs are currently available with speech synthesizers for the following languages: British English, American English, Irish, Welsh, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish (Castilian), Spanish (Latin), Catalan, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic.

 Scanning LightWRITERs

LightWRITER with Plug-In Scan module and Mini-Printer
Scanning is a selection technique for people who cannot use a keyboard.

The alphabet is displayed on a screen on which a selector box moves automatically from letter to letter. When the selector box reaches the desired letter, the user presses a switch to select that letter.

Plug-In Scan ModulePlug-In Scan Module
The Plug-In Scan Module converts a keyboard model LightWRITER to one with scanning access.

This option is designed for users with progressive conditions who become unable to continue using the keyboard. It plugs into the keyboard LightWRITER to allow scanning with 1 or 2 switches.

The Scan Module is fully self-contained and can be mounted on a wheelchair tray, floor-stand, or over a bed away from the LightWRITER itself, on a table stand (as shown) or simply placed on a table.

SL85 for people with no vision impairmentSL85

The SL85 is designed as an extremely compact, dedicated scanning communication aid for people whose vision is not impaired.

It fits neatly on wheelchair mount, wheelchair tray, table, floor-stand or over a bed. An external keyboard is provided for use by a caregiver to make setting up easier.


The SL86 is a combination of the keyboard LightWRITER and the Plug-In Scan Module. The same display that is used for scanning is fastened to the LightWRITER to make a single package. It is appropriate for use in clinical evaluation centers, etc.

Easy to Use
The scanners are designed to be extremely easy to understand and quick to use.

On the principle that scanner users have little or no use of their hands and so are unlikely to be able to use the manual, the unit's operation has been designed to be as self-evident as possible.

Auditory Scanning
The scan is selectable to be beeping, spoken, or silent, to assist users with vision impairment.

Communicate over the phoneUse over the Telephone
For many users the ability to communicate over the telephone is an important part of their communication requirements. This is increasingly important to enable people with disabilities living on their own to communicate with the outside world or to summon help when needed.

Any LightWRITER with speech may be used to communicate over the telephone. This is easiest with a 'hands-free' speaker-telephone.


A print-out may be used for recording stored memories, writing short notes, shopping lists, letters, and even typing longer documents such as poetry and books.

The MiniPrinter is a small portable printer with rechargeable batteries. This compact printer operates automatically when connected to a LightWRITER with full control through the LightWRITER keyboard or scan screen. Four sizes of print caters to those with vision impairment.

Computer Printers
LightWRITERs also connect to a wide range of standard computer printers.

Computer Connections
LightWRITERs can be connected to computers to allow the LightWRITER to enter text into the computer. At this time, it is not possible to control a computer from a LightWRITER.

LightWRITER in a carry bag
Carrying Cases
Carrying cases have been designed to suit the various needs of people using LightWRITERs while standing or sitting.

The soft carrying case can be worn over the shoulder or around the waist for ambulant users, and around the waist for wheelchair users.

LightWRITE mounted on a wheelchair

Mounting Systems
A variety of mounting systems are available for wheelchairs, overbed, tabletop and floor stands to provide easy and comfortable viewing and access to the LightWRITERs.

Product Specifications & Characteristics

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LightWRITER Video
10 minutes, 15 seconds

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