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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1008
Portland, OR 97207-1008

(503) 684 - 6006
(800) 234 - 6006

(503) 684 - 6011

[email protected]


A dedicated augmentative communication/conversation aid.

Many devices provide communication—the LightWRITER provides for conversation! All LightWRITERs are so simple to use, yet very effective...just turn it on and type. The large, bright displays are easily seen by both the user and the listener(s). For clients with autism, laryngectomies, C.P., head injury, ALS, etc., the LightWRITER is small, lightweight, and attractive in any situation.

They are now accessible through Morse code. For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 234-6006.



SL87— A new model of LightWRITER
Scanning LightWRITERs
— for those who cannot use a keyboard.
Overview of LightWRITERs — for people with progressive conditions, i.e., ALS/MND

LightWRITERs with larger keyboards:
— LightWRITER with laptop computer-sized keyboard
LightWRITER SL35/Big Keys — LightWRITER with oversized keyboard

Every communication aid has its very own salient features. The LightWRITER excels with these:

  • Forward facing display for natural face-to-face conversation!
  • Easy to use — turn it on and type!
  • It looks good!
  • It's the smallest aid with DECtalk* synthesis inside!
BEST SPEECH SYNTHESIZER OPTIONS — Whether it's inside, attached or external, the LightWRITER lets you choose a synthesizer ranging from the high quality of DECtalk* male —, female — and child voices to others with a host of languages other than American-English. Speech exceptions ability is built in for making special words sound right.
TWO SCREENSOne facing you, and one facing the person or people you're talking to - the "listeners" are drawn into the conversation the moment you strike the first key — and they interact without leaning over your shoulder. 

LARGE, CLEAR DISPLAYS — Standard 3/8" (1 cm) high characters on the back-lighted Liquid Crystal Displays are easy to read at a distance - inside or outdoors - optional are bright Vacuum Fluorescent Displays with 1/4" (6 mm) high characters.


  • Listener anticipation due to the forward facing display.
  • Rapidly accessed Memos of up to 250 characters each.
  • Full abbreviation/expansion capability.
  • Speedwriting — experience it!
  • Word prompting after 1, 2, or 3 character input.

LOTS OF USER MEMORY — Backed up internally.

LightTouchKEYBOARD — Light force with tactile feedback and keys spaced for easy typing - QWERTY typewriter layout or ABCDE straight alphabet, changeable anytime - a deep keyguard is optional.

SMALL, LIGHTWEIGHT, RUGGED and ATTRACTIVE — Take it with you wherever you go.


SCANNINGDedicated scanning models are available - as well as optional plug-in scanners to add on later.

FACILITATED COMMUNICATION — Very simple and easy to use — turn it on, and use it like a typewriter.

If you can spell — you should be LightWRITING! For a demonstration of the power of communication with these small hand-held aids, contact ZYGO Industries, Inc.

Product Specifications & Characteristics

View LightWRITER video online
To view this video, you must have RealOne Player, or QuickTime. The LightWRITER video is 10:15 minutes long. Due to the size of this video file, we recommend you view it using DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), Cable Modem or a T1 telephone connection. If you're accessing the internet through a 56K modem or an ISDN telephone line, you may not be able to see a continuous transmission of this motion video.

For your convenience, we have provided links to download RealOne Player and QuickTime. Please observe the system requirements for these programs on their websites prior to downloading.

Download Free RealOne Player

Download Free QuickTime Player

LightWRITER Video
10 minutes, 15 seconds

Click to see the LightWRITER video in RealOne Player Format

Click to see the LightWRITER video in QuickTime Format

If for any reason you're not able to view this video online, you may request it in a CD (not DVD) format that's both PC and Mac compatible.

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‡ Features vary with model.
* DECtalk is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
† U.S. Patent 3,925,779