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Published August 2003

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 »Lost In the Wind
 »The MACAW Digital Recording Communication Aids Revisited
 »Comparing Poylana & LightWRITER
 »New Medicare Codes
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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1008
Portland, OR

(503) 684 - 6006
(800) 234 - 6006

(503) 684 - 6011

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Prices Posted! - After many considerations, ZYGO decided to post product prices based on many visitors' requests. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices posted are in U.S. dollars.

Improved MACAW Family - How do you make a great product even more outstanding? By adding more recording time capabilities and reducing its price!
All of our MACAW models now offer 78 minutes of high quality recording time except Big Blue MACAW+4 and DACtyl MACAW 40+4 models, which let you record for 18 hours! Unlike other digitized communication aids that have a recording limit for each message, MACAWs allow for unlimited recording time for each message. Their unique shape, unlimited recording time for each message and many other features make MACAWs very versatile and customizable to each individual's needs and style of communication.
Let Medicare help you with the purchase of our MACAW3 +4 model.

Notice of Privacy - On April 14, 2003, we posted our notice of privacy practices. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

The world is redrawn - We have added maps to our United States and International Representatives and dealers pages. These visual effects should make finding the support near you much easier.

Walk to D'Feet ALS - The Oregon and SW Washington Walk to D'Feet ALS will take place on September 7th at the Hillsboro Stadium and River Front Park in Salem, the Walk will raise funds for the local chapter of the ALS Association to be used for patient services, awareness and research. Just like last year, ZYGO is honored to lend its support to eradicate such a devastating disease. For information please visit www.alsa-or.org. You don't have to walk, but we would love to have you join us and show your support to those living with ALS. By walking, you will have a great time and show your support for those facing this disease.

Together we can make a difference and help conquer this dreadful disease.

New Products

Wireless Switch Radio LinkSwitch Radio-Link - Wireless Switch Control
Radio-Links overcome the problem of connecting switches with cables.

  • No Tangling in fingers or wheels
  • Easier to mount on wheelchairs
  • The user can be further away from the device

With these new switch Radio-Links, you can now make wireless connections to computers.

Who would want to use them?
Everyone who uses
switches! Radio-Links remove the need for wires, so the switches can be operated from anywhere within 12 feet (4m), even through obstacles such as people and furniture. Unlike infrared switches, there is no need for direct line of sight.

Will it work with my software and switches?
Yes. The radio system only replaces the cables of a switch setup. This means that any standard switch can be used, and the switches work with all PC switch software that use a standard switch interface, including Writing with Symbols, Clicker and of course the
Sensory Software Programs.

It is not possible for us to test every available hardware and software configuration, so if you have a setup we haven't seen before, the Radio-Link may be returned for a refund within 30 days.

What do I get?
Two transmitters, 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/2" (38 x 38 x 12 mm), which may be secured close to the switch—for example, under a table, in a cushion, or on a wheelchair. Velcro is ideal for this!

One receiver, 5-3/16" x 2-1/2" x 5/8" (132 x 64 x 16 mm), which is connected to the computer.

How do they work?
Each of the transmitters has a 3.5 mm jack, allowing any
standard switch to be connected. They run from "button cell" batteries, which should last for about one year and can be obtained locally.

The receiver is connected either to the RS232 serial port or the USB port, of the computer. The receiver requires no battery or external power supply.

Each set of Radio-Links has a unique code, (printed on the receiver), so you can have many people using Radio-Links in the same room without interference. They are also resistant to interference from other radio emitters such as mobile phones and computers.

Price - Receiver and two transmitters:
Switch Radio-Link, Serial Version ............ $495.00
Switch Radio-Link, USB Version .............. $620.00

Joybox Switch Input AdapterJoyBox and JoyCable - Multi-purpose USB Switch Adapters
The JoyBox is the most flexible switch input adaptor on the market today. It is a USB switch box that works with most popular switch software. It is a simple plug and play device that needs no software installing.

The JoyCable is a simpler, more compact version that only has two inputs, ideal if you only use two switches.

How do they work?
When you plug a JoyBox or JoyCable into the USB port, it is recognized by Microsoft Windows as a Game Controller, or Joystick. Switches connected to any of the eight numbered connectors activate the fire buttons. Switches connected to the four direction connectors will 'move' the joystick.

Direct Switch Input
Programs such as Writing with Symbols, Clicker 4 and (of course)
The Grid from Sensory Software, support the JoyBox directly as a joystick device. Simply plug in the JoyBox or JoyCable and select "Joystick" as the switch connection from within the software.

Keyboard and Mouse Buttons as Switches
Many switch programs are designed to work with switches connected through the keyboard or mouse. With the included Switch Driver, these programs will all work with the JoyBox and JoyCable.

Play Arcade Games with Switches
The JoyBox can control games such as flight simulators and driving games that use a joystick or game controller as an input. The suitability of the game will depend on how many switches the user can manage, and how many controls are needed to play the game effectively. Programs like Midtown Madness and Motocross Madness can be played with just two switches (for example, a pair of head switches).

A Switch Operated Mouse
You can also control the mouse with switches using the JoyBox. This is done using the included Joystick to Mouse software.

If you do not have enough switches to operate the mouse buttons as well, then try the Dwell Clicker program that allows clicks and drags to be performed by simply holding the pointer still.

JoyBox: 12 switch inputs, USB cable and software pack ............ $250.00
JoyCable: 2 switch inputs, USB cable and software pack ........... $150.00

Lost in the Wind
A Journey with ALS

Rabe'eh MahootiHere's a note to all those who have written and showed interest in Rabeeh's well being and her future book. Rabeeh Mahooti and Carol L. Nugent, co-authors of Lost in the Wind; A Journey With ALS, are hopeful the book will be published by the end of the year. There is a fund raiser in September for defraying the costs of the initial publication. Rabeeh’s health is stable but the ALS continues to advance. Her “locked-in” status is more profound and all activities sap the little energy she has. She is eager to see the book’s publication completed. Anyone interested in supporting the fund raiser may contact Carol L. Nugent at [email protected] for information to attend the event or to make a contribution.

The MACAW Digital Recording Communication Aids Revisited

Start with the product that meets today's needs, and change as required. Select price or any performance category to determine where to begin. With ZYGO's trade-in policies, you can move up or down the product scale in the most economical way.

MACAW 3 with 32 keys32-Key MACAWs
The MACAW 3s are a good place to start, especially if the user's need for messages is limited or if he or she requires larger key sizes. They can be configured from one large key to 2, 4, 8, etc. to all 32 keys.

MACAW 3s provide a minimum of 78 minutes of high quality recording time. Their serial port permits saving entire personalities to computers for even more flexibility with recordings for different applications.

Big Blue MACAWs are MACAW 3s with internal flash memory for over 18 hours of recording time!

Green MACAW with 128 keys128-Key MACAWs
The Green MACAWs have 128-key keyboards—each key being about 1/4 the size of the 32-key MACAWs. The DACtyls are Green MACAWs with large keyboards. Recording time is 78 minutes or, with the internal flash memory of the Great Green or DACtyl 40 MACAWs, over 18 hours!

128-Key MACAWs have 63-levels per personality. Links•icon is a language application program for use on 128-key MACAWs.Size Comparison between Green MACAW ans the DACtyl


Size comparison between a standard Green MACAW and the DACtyl MACAW


Keyguards available in other colors

In addition to black, Key Surrounds and Keyguards are available in colors of, red, yellow, blue or green, at no extra charge. (Only in black for 128- and 64-key configurations)


View MACAW video online
To view this video, you must have RealOne Player, or QuickTime. The MACAW video is 8:45 minutes long. Due to the size of this video file, we recommend you view it using DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), Cable Modem or a T1 telephone connection. If you're accessing the internet through a 56K modem or an ISDN telephone line, you may not be able to see a continuous transmission of this motion video.

For your convenience, we have provided links to download RealOne Player and QuickTime. Please observe the system requirements for these programs on their websites prior to downloading.

Download Free RealOne Player

Download Free QuickTime Player

Comparing Polyana to LightWRITER

We're often asked if Polyana is a replacement for the LightWRITER? The answer is no, it does not replace the LightWRITER, but adds another choice for people looking for a communication device where the messages are generated by spelling and/or by selecting stored phrases. The LightWRITER and Polyana are very different systems with contrasting features.

What people like about the Polyana:
- comments about the attractiveness of Polyana and the fact that it looks like a regular but small laptop were seen as positives.

Versatility - the fact that Polyana is a communication device AND a hand-held PC containing Pocket MS Office was viewed as ideal for secondary or tertiary students. A few people who attend meetings or give talks are keen to use the PowerPoint program and not have to carry a laptop in addition to their communication device.

Price - the fact that Polyana with Persona accommodates direct and indirect access means that it is not necessary to change or modify the system if different accessing methods are needed.

Stored Phrase Visibility - the phrases in Persona are viewed on the screen in a list. This was seen as advantageous for those who are not good at recalling codes or need to see a selection of phrases as a prompt.

What people like about the LightWRITER:
- being able to simply turn on the LightWRITER and type and talk was seen as most suitable for people who don't need the computer features, and may find it confusing with it's windows and extra keys that may be inadvertently pressed, landing the user in a surprise program.

Visibility of the message; dual displays - although both the LightWRITER and Polyana use DECtalk speech, there are times when viewing the message enhances communication significantly. The dual displays of the LightWRITER are invaluable in fostering face-to-face communication in ways the communication partners are often not even aware. In some Polyana sessions participants would stand behind to read the screen....obviously an undesirable feature in augmentative communication etiquette. The use of a laptop style unit for communication is a compromise in this regard.

Compactness and portability - the laptop style of the Polyana requires some dexterity to open the lid, and may then be most suited for use when seated. The LightWRITER is more compact and easier to use on the go for those who can manage that. Weight and overall size of the units are comparable.

Our Thought Summary

The Polyana is most useful for people:

  • who want computer functions in the same unit as their communication device and who are computer literate
  • who need direct keyboard access AND switch/scanning access, where cost or funding limitations would be factors preventing obtaining modifications or different models
  • who like the look of this unit and have rejected other systems due to aesthetics
  • Note: know that switch access is not available to the general computer programs on the Polyana

The LightWRITER is most suitable for people:

  • who want to type and talk and use stored phrases without complication
  • whose priority is highly effective face-to-face communication

New Medicare Codes

For digital recording speech generating devices, Medicare has discontinued the use of Code K0542 as of July 1, 2003. It is being replaced by K0615, K0616, and K0617. The description and allowables are listed below.

K0615 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 8 minutes but less than or equal to 20 minutes recording time

New: $1195.80
Used: $896.86
Rental: $119.59

K0616 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 20 minutes but less than or equal to 40 minutes recording time

New: $1577.42
Used: $1183.05
Rental: $157.76

K0617 Speech generating device, digitized speech, using pre-recorded messages, greater than 40 minutes recording time

New: $2312.96
Used: $1734.69
Rental: $231.29

Fantastic Special Offers:
 SL87 LightWRITER SL87 — We're offering a limited quantity of our field demo SL87 units with one year warranty for only $4,595.00 (US). The regular list price is $6,135.00 (US). That's over 25% in savings!    Parakeet 5  Parakeet 5 with Carry Case and Wordwise Sticker Pack for $175.00
Simple and easy to use — (Regular Price: $425.00)

Upcoming Events

The following tours are the best way to learn about new products and emerging technologies. Applications for use of products, as well as strategies and techniques, are presented by factory personnel in a series of 1-day workshops. For updates, please visit CAMA or our calendar page regularly.

Date: Location:
September 15, 2003
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Sheraton Fredericton Hotel
225 Woodstock Road
September 16, 2003
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Casino Nova Scotia Hotel
1919 Upper Water Street
September 17, 2003
Dorval, Québec
Hilton Montréal Aeroport
12505 Cote de Liesse
September 18, 2003
Malton, Ontario
Hilton Toronto Airport
5875 Airport Road
September 19, 2003
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Radisson Hotel Winnipeg Airport
1800 Wellington Avenue

Date: Location:
September 29, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
255 S. West Temple
September 30, 2003
Denver, CO
Adam's Mark, The Hotel of Denver
1550 Court Place
October 1, 2003
Casper, WY
Holiday Inn
The specific location will be posted later, please check back.
October 2, 2003
Billings, MT
Sheraton Hotel - Billings
27 N. 27th Street
October 3, 2003
Boise, ID
Grove Hotel
245 South Capitol Blvd