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MACAW Personality Transfer
Backing up your MACAW is easy

(Some understanding of personal computers would be helpful to the reader.)

Setting up a MACAW for an individual is a time-consuming process. There is the key-pattern, levels, delay and access times, key-links, scan rates, etc., and, most of all, the recordings. It would be very helpful if all of that setup could be preserved for the unforeseeable failure that wipes out everything. Or, in the case where multiple users work with the same MACAW, it would be convenient to store a user's setup and reload the MACAW with someone else's.

The unique configuration of a MACAW's setup is referred to as its Personality. The MACAW Personality Program for DOS provides the means to save the information from a MACAW's Active Personality to DOS® and Windows®-based (see notes below) personal computers (PCs).

The program is called MACAWXFR.EXE and is an MS-DOS program that transfers the current contents (Personality) of a ZYGO MACAW to and from an IBM-compatible personal computer. There are a number of MACAW types, varying in keyboard configuration and amount of memory available:

  • 32-Key MACAWs with 0.5, 1, and 2 MB MemCards (PC memory cards)
  • 128-Key MACAWs with 1 and 2 MB MemCards

Each Personality file is compatible only with MACAWs of the same keyboard series as the original. Personalities from 32-key MACAW s can only be used on ones with 32 keys. MACAW Green series devices are compatible with DACtyl MACAWs since the only difference between them is the physical size of the 128-Key keyboard. Personalities from 1 MB MemCard units can be transferred into compatible 2 MB units. However, 2 MB Personalities cannot be transferred into 0.5 or 1 MB MACAWs.

The vast majority of PCs today run Windows operating systems, not DOS. Although Windows provides a DOS window, the Personality Transfer program cannot be run in that DOS window—it must be run in native MS-DOS mode. To get to MS-DOS mode from Windows, (only applicable in Windows 95, 98 and ME) on the Start menu select Shut Down and choose Restart in MS-DOS mode. Once in DOS, only the text command line will be available (no mouse capability).

In the following instructions, <Enter> means to press the Enter or Return key. DOS commands can be entered in either upper or lower case.

Move to the folder where the transfer program is installed. If necessary, move to the proper disk (i.e., type d:<Enter> to change to drive D:). Then, move to the folder where the Transfer Program resides by using the DOS command, 'cd', such as by typing cd\zygo<Enter>. Once in the proper folder, run the Transfer Program by typing macawxfr<Enter>.

The main transfer screen will be displayed. Note that the Transfer Program's version number is shown at the top center of the screen. The latest version is 1.03. Make note of this version number in case it becomes necessary to contact customer service. Also displayed is the serial COM port that will be used (default is COM1). If this is not set properly for the computer, follow the directions on the screen to set the COM port to be used. For the transfer to work, the COM port must be set properly, the cable properly connected and the MACAW power switch turned on. The MACAW will wake up and beep at the start of each transfer, whether it's transmitting or receiving.

To receive a personality from the MACAW, type R or 1 (it is not necessary to type <Enter>). Or, use the arrow keys to highlight the selection, and then press <Enter>. When prompted, enter the desired filename with its path, if so desired. The program will offer to replace the file if it exists. To keep the old file, answer No, start the transfer again and enter a different filename. Once started, the MACAW will wake up, beep, and the transfer will start. A transfer progress box will be displayed during the transfer process. When the transfer is done, if there are no errors, a success message will be displayed for a few seconds and the program will go back to the main transfer screen. Any errors will be displayed until acknowledged by the user.

To transmit a personality to the MACAW, select T or 2. A file selection box will be displayed. If the desired personality file is in the current folder, it can be selected in the list box. If not, enter the folder by typing a backslash (\), then editing the path shown. Once the desired file is selected, press <Enter>. The transfer will start, similar to Receive above, except that the MACAW should beep twice. Progress and success are noted as with Receive.

Some changes in MACAW software require updates to the Personality data. The Transfer Program, in concert with the MACAW's internal software, accomplishes this. However, it is important that the Personality be transferred out of the MACAW while it still has its original software. After the transfer, the MACAW's software may be updated. Then transfer the original Personality back into the updated MACAW. Any internal updates that are required are automatically performed without special action.

Note that Personalities saved under older MACAW software can be loaded into compatible MACAWs with newer software, but not the other way around. Never transfer a personality into a MACAW with older software than that with which the Personality was created. This capability includes updates from 0.5 and 1 MB MACAWs to 2 MB configurations.

When done with all transfers, press the Escape key while the main transfer screen is being displayed. Then, from DOS, simply type exit<Enter>. Or, turn the computer off, reset it, or restart it with CTRL-ALT-DEL.