by Southwest Human Development,
Editor, Dr. Caroline Ramsey
Illustrations, Teresa Delisi Computer Support, Jim Crosson
The INTRODUCTION says it all.
The Reading Activities Program for Older Students (R.A.P.S.)
project was initiated by a group of special education professionals
at Southwest Human Development in Phoenix, Arizona. The project
was a result of the excitement generated by group members who
used the symbolized stories created by Pati King-DeBaun in her
STORYTIME book, combined with other group members who were unable
to use the stories with their students, due to issues of age
appropriateness. The group consensus was that the exciting series
started by Pati should be extended to older students, and a book
was born! Group members included special educators, classroom
aides, speech-language pathologists, and assistive technology
specialists who worked with students having a variety of special
needs. Although we were a bit overwhelmed with the task, the
group effort provided excellent support and inspiration. In addition,
we had the following useful advice from a famous Russian writer:
How should you write for children?
Just as you would for grown-ups, but better!
Maxim Gorky"
Utilizing Switch Interfaces With
Children Who Are Severely Physically Challenged
Carol Goossens' and Sharon Sapp Crain
task of setting up an augmentative communication system to address
the child's communicative needs is challenging for even the most
experienced facilitator."
For therapists, clinicians,
and teachers who need to know "how to" provide access
to scanning augmentative communication systems.
Starting with intervention before
the use of electronic systems which require switches, and using
hundreds of quality illustrations, the book progresses to chapters
- Positioning the Child of Viable Switch
- Determining a Viable Switch Setup
- Constructing the Switch Mount
- Guidelines for Switch Setups Involving
Alternate Control Sites
The authors discuss the common commercially-available
techniques, how to determine which to use, and how to train the
use of these techniques for their ultimate purpose...communication. |