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 ZYGO Industries, Inc.
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Produced in England by:
HandsOFF! and sensory software logo
Sensory Software
An On-Screen HandsOFF!

An On-Screen Keyboard Emulator for Microsoft Windows
HandsOFF! Predictive TypingAuditory Scan

Mouse control from switches
  • Offers a wide range of input methods, including a sophisticated switch interface.
  • Ability to use text and graphics in the keyboards.
  • Very easy modification and creation of new keyboards while the system is running.
  • Works as a dynamic screen communicator for those just starting literacy.
  • Can operate a range of environmental control systems.
  • Allows selection of large fonts and auditory feedback for those with low vision.

HandsOFF! setup screens


Most exciting of all is the ease of setup. HandsOFF! uses Windows-type setup screens to simplify what is usually a cumbersome process. Any key can speak a message or send a command to an environment control system. From a list of commands, one or more functions can be selected to allow the key to control the mouse or to move and resize windows.

 Speech Output  

HandsOFF! uses both real voices, recorded on the computer, and synthetic speech. Synthetic speech is generated from text, and can be produced by a special speech synthesizer or by a sound card. Special support is provided for the DECtalk* speechs ynthesizer range, the Text Assist speech system that provides DECtalk speech on a sound card, and Infovox multi-lingual software that allows European languages with any sound card.

Download HandsOFF! User's Manual


Please Note: To receive a FREE! copy of The Sensory Software Sampler Suite on CD via priority mail, simply e-mail us at [email protected]. Please include your name, complete address, and phone number. Due to file size, the Sampler CD is not available for download. However, you may Download the HandsOFF! User's Manual. Thank your for your interest in our products.