Infra-Link® "Elevator Control"

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ZYGO Industries, Inc.
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Infra-Link's new wireless remote control system uses infrared signals to enable physically disabled individuals to access the elevator, open the door, select the floor level and use the emergency call button.

Elevator ControlAn Infra-Link infrared (IR) receiver can be installed on each floor to which the elevator is to be called. The IR receiver is placed above the elevator door. When the receiver is activated, the elevator is called and the automatic sliding doors are opened. If the elevator is already on the floor level, the doors are opened.

Voltage is supplied to the IR receivers by a protective transformer (12V-24V DC or 24V AC), which is common for all floor levels and preferably placed in the elevator machine room.

In the Infra-Link system, a special IR receiver is used for connection to the control system of the elevator cage. The IR receiver is connected to a separate detector placed inside the elevator cage, preferably on the ceiling. The receiver unit is placed on the elevator cage roof for connection to the elevator control system. The receiver has relay switches with normally-open and normally-closed functions. The operating voltage of the receiver is 110V AC and preferably is derived from the elevator cage.

For control of the elevator, the normally-open relay functions are connected in parallel to the regular normally-open control switches of the elevator. The normally-closed switch is connected in series with the stop loop of the elevator. This means that via the Infra-Link system the elevator can be directed to optional floor levels. A channel is used for a distress signal. Elevators with a separate control function for opening of a side hung door require a designated channel for this function.