Polyana 4 with Persona

Polyana is the hardware. Its light weight and small size make carrying easy by its folding carry-handle / stability stand. The audio amplifier / speaker base-pack provides exceptionally loud, clear output. A sliding volume control in front is used to set the sound output level.

Persona is the text-based communication program purposely designed for literate users who need to talk. Access to the program is by the keyboard, the touch screen, and by switches using the on-screen keyboard. Messages are clearly spoken by DECtalk speech synthesis.

Formulate messages letter-by-letter, by selecting words through word completion and word prediction, and phrases via abbreviation / expansion and a phrase list.

The Standard version allows access to a host of Pocket PC programs like Microsoft WordPad, SpreadCE, Pocket On-Schedule, Media Player, Calculator, and various Microsoft viewers for Word, Excel, PDF, Image, and PowerPoint. A built-in modem is optional.

The Medical Assistance (MA) version is a dedicated Speech Generating Device that meets the requirements of various medical assistance agencies so access to the Windows programs is denied.

You may request a Persona demonstration CD to try the software on a Windows PC.

product details

Weight 2.9 lbs. (1.32 kg)
Size 9.25 x 7.25 x 2.66 inches (23.5 x 18.4 x 6.76 mm)
AAC Options Keyguard, carry case, wheelchair mounting systems
Standard Accessories Keyboard glove with enlarged characters, enlarged character keyboard label Set, and neckstrap, Lolly switch with cable
Optional Accessories Phone link adapter
EXTECH printer

Polyana-4 with Persona

additional images

Persona software features:

^ Dialog scripts

^ On-screen, scanning keyboard

^ Phrase bank

^ Word completion

^ Word prediction (sequences)

^ Abbreviation/expansion

^ Speech exceptions

items notes price
Standard Version
Text to speech communication device $4,595.00
MA Version
Dedicated speech generating device
for Medical Assistance criteria
Carry case
Form-fitting to Polyana 4 $185.00
Keyguard, Polyana 4
Acrylic keyguard with deep recessed target area.
Note: display cannot be closed with keyguard in position.
Keyguard, Polyana 3
Acrylic keyguard with deep recessed target area.
Note: display cannot be closed with keyguard in position.
Keyboard Glove
Moisture guard for Polyana 4 with large, high contrast labels $55.00
Replacement Battery
Replacement of main battery for Polyana 4 $300.00
Replacement Charger
Replacement of power charger for Polyana 4 $80.00
Replacement Manual
Replacement of Polyana 4 with Persona manual $40.00
Phone Link
Mini-phone plug, 3.5mm diameter
meant for Polyana-3 or -4
Phone Link
Sub-mini-phone plug, 2.5mm diameter
meant for Polyana-II
EXTECH Printer
external IR printer
meant for Polyana-4

Prices on this website are in US Dollars and are pertaining to US sales only.
These prices are subject to change without notice.