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Assistive Technologies
for Communication and Independence.

We offer a wide range of technology products to our clients so they can achieve a greater independence and to enhance the quality of their lives. These solutions improve an individual's ability to learn, work, and interact with family and friends.

Product Categories

Categories Communication / AAC AT / ADL / ECU
Products Text-to-Speech iOS and Android
Support Dynamic Display Aids to Daily Living
Literature Digital Recording Alternative Access
Contact AAC Software Environment Control

all new Grid 3 assistive communication software logo
all new Grid 3

Setting the standard in assistive communication software.

You can do so much more with Grid 3

Grid 3 software empowers people with disabilities across the world to communicate, control their environment and control their computer. You can use Grid 3 with every type of access, from eye gaze and switch technology to touch and pointing devices..

The all new Grid 3 releases in the U.S. in January 2016.

You can see ZYGO-USA in Orlando at ATIA, Booth 110

Assistive Technology Industry Association 2016

Popular Product Links

Grid Pad Go 11” Grid Pad Go 8” Grid Pad Pro 11” Servus 11-Z ECU
Grid Pad Go 11 Grid Pad Go 8 Grid Pad Pro 11 Servus 11-Z ECU

“…if all my possessions were taken
from me with one exception,
I would choose to keep the power of communication,
for by it I would soon regain all the rest.”

--Daniel Webster

Partnerships in Assistive Technologies

Smartbox Assistive Technology Abilia AB Quha Jabbla

ZYGO-USA can also be found on these sites:

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Last Updated (Saturday, 16 January 2016 21:42)


Communication Systems (AAC) Devices

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