Our customers have valued our
award-winning videos since 1993. Many thousands of them have
been sent around the world, in formats appropriate for each country.
Although the products they describe have changed slightly over
the years, the information in the videotapes is still current
and they provide valuable insights to each product's performance.
The MACAW continues to be the most complete
digital recording communication aid available, the LightWRITER
is without equal in its ability to provide a conversational rate
to augmentative/alternative communication, and the GEWA
Page Turner is still that well designed machine that works. Finally, the technology is available to send the videos worldwide with relative ease via the Internet. The 3 videos are now available for viewing. For those who cannot view the videos from the Internet, CDs are available for operation in PC and Macintosh computers. Note that this CD is for use in computers and is neither music CD nor DVD.
For your continence, we have provided links to download RealOne Player and QuickTime. Please observe the system requirements for these programs on their websites prior to downloading. Download Free QuickTime Player