These assistive technologies — Aids to Daily Living — are adaptive devices designed to assist people with various disabilities to independently participate in everyday activities.
ZYGO-USA, in partnership with Abilia AB, AbleNet, and other suppliers, offers a wealth of assistive technologies to aid people to do everyday tasks. Some of these are Electronic Aids to Daily Living, or EADLs, but all can be considered useful to level the playing field, or to make everyday activities easy for all.
Results 1 - 13 of 13
Accessible Power Outlet
Fast, reliable On/Off controlled power outlet for lamps and electric appliances. Add additional outlets to the Outlet Package.
Price: 310.00
First Aide Kit-2 w/Control Prog
A universal infrared transmitter, a remote controlled speaker telephone, and an AC wall outlet as an immediate, independent communication link after a serious inuury.
Price: 3625.00
M-20 Eye Transfer Communication System
A series of messages displayed on a transparent polycarbonate panel with a center hole for communication through direct eye contact.
Price: 395.00
Primo!™ Touchscreen ECU
Powerful, easy to use dynamic display environmental control transmitter.
Price: 2899.00
Sero! Infrared Telephone
Possum Sero! infrared receiving telephone for hands-free communications.
Price: 1395.00
Zavox Reo Voice Amplifier
The new Zavox Reo is a personal voice amplifier designed to reduce vocal strain and amplify the softest voice.
Price: 460.00
ZYGO Bilateral Ear Microphone
The ZYGO Bilateral Ear Microphone is comfortable to wear with two ear loops, an adjustable boom microphone, and clear sound input quality.
Price: 75.00
ZYGO Voice Amplifier MiNi with Headset Mic
Amplified 8-watt speaker with high performance headset microphone to amplify speech or a communication aid.
Price: 200.00
ZYGO Voice Amplifier MiNi with Lapel Mic
Amplified 8-watt speaker with high performance lapel microphone to amplify speech or a communication aid.
Price: 200.00
ZYGO Voice Amplifier MiNi with Two Mics
Amplified, 8-watt speaker with high performance headset microphone and high performance lapel microphone.
Price: 275.00
ZYGO Voice Amplifier with Lapel Mic
Amplified, 12-watt speaker with high performance lapel microphone to amplify speech or a communication aid.
Price: 200.00
ZYGO Voice Amplifier with Two Mics
Amplified, 12-watt speaker with high performance headset microphone and high performance lapel microphone.
Price: 275.00
ZYGO Wireless Voice Amplifier
Wireless voice amplifier with a 12-watt speaker and wireless, clip-on, lapel microphone using adaptive 2.4 GHz digital auto-pairing.
ZYGO Wireless Voice Amplifier
Price: 450.00