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Manuals, procedures, tutorials and downloads for our Products.
See also: Older Products
Aids to Daily Living,
Environmental Control Units,
Digital Recording,
Dynamic Display,
AAC Software,
Text to Speech
Aids to Daily Living
- GewaTel 200 | manual
- GewaTel IR | channel settings
- GEWA BLV/6D Page Turner | manual
- Vocally 3 Freedom | manual
- Vocally 3 Infinity | manual
- ZYGO Wireless Voice Amplifier | instruction sheet
- ZYGO Voice Amplifier | data sheet
- Eye Transfer Communication System | manual
Alternative and Computer Access
- ZyBox 2-SC for iOS 7 and 8 "Switch Control" | user guide
- AD Head Pointers | instructions (data sheet)
Environmental Control Systems
- GEWA Project Manual | take control
- Progress Star USB | manual
- Progress Star PC self-extracting files
- Progress Star | driver read-me file
- Progress Star | driver download here
- Accessible Elevator Systems
Digital Recording Devices
Dynamic Display Devices
Text-to-Speech Devices
- PolyAndro with Persona for Android
- Allora by Jabbla
- Allora 2 | manual
- Allora 1 | manual (updated March 2008)