Progress by Abilia (GEWA) AB of Sweden

Dynamic Display ECU Infrared Transmitter

The Progress IR Transmitter is an advanced remote control system with a dynamic display screen, adapted for people with disabilities. Selections can be made by directly touching the display screen or by using switches for scanning through selections.

It is based on a pocket-PC with the most modern technology available. Progress can "learn" infrared (IR) codes from other remote control units such as those for a TV, video or stereo system. The screen is dynamic, and the information displayed can be arranged according to the needs and wishes of the user.

Advantages of the GEWA Progress:

•   learn IR codes from most IR remote control units on the market
•   store up to 256 IR channels in its memory
•   create IR macros
•   create different pages with different numbers of functions
•   copy, move and exchange the location of functions
•   receive auditory feedback and use auditory scanning with recorded speech
•   connect one or two control switches for scanning
•   select between several different scanning methods
•   select a delay before activation
•   select between several hundred pictures that are included
•   select between over 30 completed, pre-built pages
•   make back-up copies
•   easily select different languages for menus and help texts
•   connect external alarm systems
•   allow the user to select nearly all settings himself or herself

Progress Demonstration CD.

Progress Light, the software delivered with the Progress, is available at no charge in a demonstration CD. It can be used for changing various settings or to understand the workings of the unit. The program has the same appearance as in the Progress but doesn't allow the IR codes to be transmitted. Request the CD from ZYGO or get the latest version of Progress Light from GEWA AB.

Install Progress Light to your PC and try it yourself!

GEWA Progress comes complete with the Progress, docking station, battery charger, and memory card.

GEWA Progress USB systems are also available: Progress Star / Progress Micro.

items notes price
GEWA Progress
Programmable IR transmitter with big display
GEWA Progress
425355 US
Dynamic display IR remote control transmitter
with charger for U.S.A.
GEWA Progress
425355 AU
Dynamic display IR remote control transmitter
with charger for Australia
Rapid attachment, mounting fitting for Progress
Protective Frame
frame to protect against impact for Progress
moisture guard for Progress
Progress PC CD
Software for Progress settings and demonstration on PC
or for controlling Progress USB transmitters

Prices on this website are in US Dollars and are pertaining to US sales only.
These prices are subject to change without notice.