Accessible Elevator Control by Abilia (GEWA) AB

Accessible Integrated Residence Public Library Hospice for Children

T hese three buildings have been made completely accessible by the installation of GEWA Infra-Link infrared remote control of the elevator access systems. With a one-button remote control unit, the elevator can be summoned on each floor and the destination floor called once inside the car. Optional remote control units are available with more buttons for those who have the capability to use them.

No one ever seems to be around when you need to call the elevator. Even in busy facilities like the medical complex in this photo, there is the need for independent access to the elevator.

The remote control system offers complete independence and total floor access to those with severe physical disabilities. Often, the car is too small to turn to face the control panel. One drives in and backs out�which means that the controls are inaccessible. No problem when Infra-Link controls are installed — just drive into the car and make the required selection�even if the receiver is behind you.

From the outside, there isn't much to show about the remote control system. At most there is a small receiver that is mounted on the wall. Some installations have the receiver hidden behind panels and all that shows is the unobtrusive infrared window.

There are 2 ways to signal for the elevator and select floor-call functions:
  1. Using a multi-button remote transmitter�one button per function.
  2. Using a one-button remote transmitter to select both the UP and DOWN buttons on a floor, and� Once in the car, using the same one-button remote transmitter to start a numerical scan on the infrared detector's display�and pressing the button again when the floor number shows. If need be, a mirror will help the user to see the display of the floor numbers.

In describing the system to technical people (elevator contractors, etc.), it's important to note that the system consists of "dry-contact relays" that are wired in parallel to the existing buttons of the car-calls on each floor and the floor-call buttons in the car. The relays are operated by infrared receivers that are commanded by infrared transmitters. The system can be set to operate with as few as one transmitter signal (scanning) to direct selection of all the buttons independently. One look at the hardware is all that's needed for you to determine the high quality industrial grade of these products.

Typical Prices:


Maxi-Scanning Detector*

2-Landings, 1 car

3-Landings, 1 car

4-Landings, 1 car

5-Landings, 1 car

6-Landings, 1 car

for each additional car add:

for 9 to 14 landings,
     add per car:
     and add per landing:















Prices on this website are in US Dollars and are pertaining to US sales only.
These prices are subject to change without notice.