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EyeTech Digital TM5

Average rating:  5 stars  (1)


The TM5 is a fast, accurate eye gaze camera allowing you to control your device with your eyes.
Price:  $3245.00


EyeTech Digital TM5 eye gaze camera

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EyeTech TM5

The EyeTech TM5 is an eye gaze camera designed to fit under any flat screen monitor or laptop screen. The TM5 eye tracker offers complete on-board processing, relieving the host tablet or speech device of all the processing burden.

The TM5 is a fast, accurate eye gaze camera allowing you to control your device with your eyes. With full integration with Grid 3, the EyeTech TM5 is an excellent choice for communication, computer control, environment control, and interactive learning.

The TM5 mini eye tracker offers complete on-board processing, relieving the host tablet or speech device of all the processing burden. You can now use the built-in web camera to video conference, run all your favorite apps, and enjoy a smooth and accurate eye tracking experience every time.

Simple configuration allows you to take complete control of the Windows desktop, with mouse control and options for clicking and doubling clicking.

SKU Product Price
018-0650-00 MyGaze Assistive 2 eye tracking camera with software $1,495.00
018-0610-03 Alea Intelligaze CAM30NT camera with CONTROL software $3,245.00
018-0620-00 EyeTech Digital TM5 eye tracking camera with mouse control software $3,245.00
019-0615-01 Look to Learn PC software with 40 activities for eye gaze training $600.00
019-0616-01 Scenes and Sounds adds 26 activities for use with Look to Learn $300.00
019-0617-01 Look to Learn with Scenes and Sounds complete collection $810.00
019-3000-01 Grid 3 assistive communication software for Windows PC and AAC $900.00


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