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Elevator Controls - Maxi-Scanning Det, 1-Car: 3-Landings

Average rating:  5 stars  (1)


Infrared remote control accessibility of elevator systems, for one elevator accessing three floors.
Price:  $5170.00


Elevator Controls for single car with IR-Lift MAXI and three landings

Part Description Part Number (SKU) Price (USD)
Single car, IR-Lift MAXI Scanning, three landings 039-3620-03 $5,170.00
which is made up of these parts:
IR-8M Eight Function Relay, 24 VDC, top of elevator car 4112 $1,100.00
IR-Lift-MAXI Scanning detector, inside elevator car, connects to IR-8M 4283 $2,150.00
IR-REC-2 Two-function receiver, elevator lobbies (need 3) 419812 $475.00
Control 18 Infrared remote control for engineering tool box 425718 $495.00


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