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Control 10

Average rating:  5 stars  (1)


Programmable hand-held IR transmitter with 10 buttons. Learns signals from other remote controls for TV, cable box, and DVD.
Price:  $495.00


The Control 10 by Abilia (GEWA) is a programmable hand-held IR transmitter with 10 buttons. Unit can save a maximum 36 functions in four operating levels. This transmitter can learn channels from other remote controls such as TV, cable box, and DVD. One or several buttons can be adapted to coding; choose between 4,096 different GEWA codes, e.g. for door locking procedures. Macros can be stored to send a sequence of signals with one button press. Use it with slip in overlays and a neck-strap. Operated with four 1.5V AAA Alkaline batteries, not included.


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