Facilitated Communication —
Guide and Set Materials

Carol Lee Berger and Kathryn Kilpatrick

 Volume I    Volume II

The Facilitated communication Guide was written for those who work, or want to work, with people who are either nonverbal or have severe communication disorders. The guide contains background information and an explanation of how to use the methods of assisted or facilitated communication. Although 90% of the techniques described were developed for people with autism, they have been used successfully with people with other disabilities including aphasia, apraxia, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, stroke, and head injuries.

Over 300 pages of Set Materials will be useful for therapists, teachers, clinicians, and families, who want to have materials easily accessible.


Volume II of the Facilitated Communication Guide and Set Materials is an extension of the first volume and contains hundreds of new and advanced curriculum materials for families, developmental homes, and professionals. It is packaged in two loose-leaf binders which conveniently separates the Guide from the Set Materials.

The volume contains discussions of the author's extensive use of the described techniques and documentation by many noted professional and facilitators.

Over 400 pages of new Set Materials supplement the Set Materials of Volume 1.